Sichuan Province in China has disclosed a spy case. The person in charge of a large state -owned enterprise institution from foreign intelligence institutions leaked confidential intelligence to foreign intelligence agencies, resulting in the development of the industrial chain of relevant domestic enterprises.The person in charge was sentenced to six years.

According to cover news reports, the defendant Wang Moumou, the defendant of this case, was originally the head of a large state -owned enterprise in Southwest.In 2012, Wang Moumou was involved in a spy case charged by foreign intelligence agencies. During the period, Chinese companies were repeatedly fallen into passive, and the other party even showed evidence that Wang Moumou named Wang Moumou in the court.

Police officers handling cases in Sichuan Province said that after investigation, the situation of Wang Moumou's immigration was seriously inconsistent with normal legal channels.Subsequently, the national security organs searched Wang Moumou's residence in Chengdu. As a result, a large number of documents related to Wang Moumou's enterprises were seized, including the document base corresponding to Wang Moumou's immigrant materials.

After identification, there are 14 materials of the materials provided by Wang Moumou to the abroad.

Police pointed out that in order to gain the trust of the country, Wang Moumou has taken the initiative to provide evidence and testimony for the evidence of the country's organs in accordance with the advice of the country's spy intelligence agency. Carrying out international operations, the development of related industrial chains in my country is thus blocked by technology. It is difficult to estimate the loss for curbing. "

Police revealed that some documents were obtained by Wang Moumou's loopholes in the management of the unit and provided them abroad, which also exposed the shortcomings of relevant units in work.

Recently, the Chengdu Intermediate People's Court made a first trial judgment. Wang Moumou provided intelligence for illegal illegal overseas, sentenced to six years in prison in accordance with the law, deprived of political rights for two years, and confiscated 500,000 yuan in personal property(RMB, about 9,900 yuan).