Chinese media reports, Yang Nan, former chairman of the Henan Football Association Yang NanRecently, she was filed for investigation for suspected major criminals, and at the same time, she was eliminated for her position at the Henan Football Association.

The China Football News Monday (November 6) published on the official Weibo. On the recent executive committee of the Henan Football Association held recently, Yang Nan, chairman of the Henan Football Association, has a majorThe criminal suspect was investigated and survived his position at the Henan Football Association.

According to the report of Zhengguan News in 2021, the Henan Provincial Football Association held the Fifth Member Congress on March 20 of the year. At that time, Yang Nan, 46, was elected chairman of the Henan Provincial Football Association.From the club executives to the chairman of the foundation, to the chairman of the Provincial Association, from the "Beauty President" to "Beauty Chairman", Yang Nan was called the "hero" of Henan football by fans.

According to the Jiupai News, Yang Nan was born in 1975. At the age of 26, Yang Nan took over the general manager of Henan Jianye Football Club.During his tenure, Yang Nan gradually changed the civilian impression of the Jianye Club through a series of pioneering operations and enhanced the influence of the club in domestic football.

Starting in October 2005, Yang Nan temporarily left the football year and served as the manager of the procurement department of Henan Jianye Group.After Jianye successfully rushed to the Super League in Henan, Yang Nan once again served as the general manager of Henan Jianye Club.

In the 20 years of Jianye Group, Yang Nan has been five or five in the position of the club's president. In addition to the general manager, she has also served as the vice chairman of the club.In 2008, Yang Nan was commissioned by the Football Association as a representative of the Chinese Football Club and introduced experience to the Japanese Club.

At the end of 2011, Yang Nan took over as the chairman of the Henan Jianye Football Development Foundation, and he was engaged in football public welfare.In April 2012, the Foundation was renamed Henan Football Development Foundation.In 2019, Yang Nan was elected as the Executive Committee of the Chinese Football Association.