Since the 2019 repair storm revealed that the Hong Kong people's anti -China emotions have risen, Beijing has continuously accelerated the pace of integration of mainland China and Hong Kong.The latest example is that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government revealed last week that it was studying the implementation of the "Guangdong vehicle south" from two stages from next year, allowing Guangdong Province to enter Hong Kong.After the news came out, it immediately attracted the concern of Hong Kong's society and became the key news reported by more newspapers the next day.

In fact, this measure, commonly known as Guangdong -Hong Kong self -driving tour, is nothing new.As early as 2012, the Hong Kong Government and the Guangdong Provincial Government have deployed similar plans to allow vehicles in the two places to cross -border self -driving tour.However, the contradictions between the two places in Lu and Hong Kong were intensified. As soon as the official concept of the policy announced the policy, it immediately aroused strong opposition to society.

In the meantime, related protests are waves one after another, and they will make the momentum and the greater the momentum.Many Hong Kong people have protested by signature campaigns and parades to protest the self -driving tour of Guangdong and Hong Kong. They are dissatisfied with the public space of mainland vehicles to Hong Kong and crowded Hong Kong.

Facing the sound of self -driving tour in the society in the society, the Hong Kong Government later softened its position and said that they would carefully consider the concerns of the public about the self -driving tour plan, and emphasized that the plan for private cars in the mainland did not have a specific time.Table, the storm should gradually calm down.

After ten years, the Guangdong Provincial Government launched the "Hong Kong Car to the North" plan in July this year, allowing qualified Hong Kong private cars to directly drive to Guangdong.Four months after the implementation of the "Hong Kong Car to the North", the Hong Kong Government also considered promoting the "Guangdong car south" again, allowing mainland private cars to enter Hong Kong.

As the saying goes, there are clouds, and the personnel have been new for ten years.Compared with ten years ago, Hong Kong society has changed a lot. At present, the resistance to the self -driving tour of Guangdong and Hong Kong is not as great as before. In addition to the opposition almost disappeared, there are mainly the following three reasons.

First of all, in addition to the three -year epidemic, people in Guangdong and Hong Kong have become more frequent in the past 10 years and economic and trade cooperation. More and more people live, do business, employment, or visit relatives.With the acceleration of the integration of the landing and port, the two parties have further increased the traffic demand for driving between the two places, including the "Guangdong vehicle south".

Secondly, the Hong Kong economy has developed fatigue after the epidemic this year, and the Hong Kong government has no countermeasures.Many people believe that "Guangdong car south" has a positive role in promoting the Hong Kong economy.As soon as the implementation of the "Guangdong car goes south" will facilitate the people of the mainland to play in Hong Kong, stimulate Hong Kong tourism and retail catering industries, and stimulate local economic growth and create employment opportunities.

Finally, in recent years, Beijing's intention to promote the return of the people of Hong Kong.After the implementation of the "Guangdong car south" policy, it will promote the "one -hour life circle" in Guangdong and Hong Kong, which will benefit the exchanges between the two places.This is an important milestone in the integration of Lugang."Cantonese to the south" is a completely correct measure on politically.

In fact, China and some of the surrounding countries have already had cooperation with cross -border self -driving tour.For example, the Vietnamese media reported that the Sino -Vietnamese border self -driving tour was opened again three years after the epidemic activity. Chinese tourists can drive through the Dongxing port to Vietnam from the end of October.If Hong Kong is still not open to mainland cars, it seems a bit uncomfortable.

Of course, there are some objective factors that need official considerations.First, there are fewer people in Hong Kong and narrow cars.The traffic congestion problem has long plagued Hong Kong for a long time.At present, there are too many private cars in Hong Kong. Once the "Guangdong vehicle goes south" plan is implemented, I am afraid that Hong Kong's traffic congestion issues will exacerbate.

The second is technical problems.As we all know, the driving habits of Lugang are not the same.After Hong Kong returned to China in 1997, it still followed the British -style traffic rules. The vehicle was driving on the left, and the driver was located on the right side of the vehicle.These rules are exactly the opposite of the mainland.Many Hong Kong people are worried that if Hong Kong opens private cars in mainland China to self -driving tour in Hong Kong, it will increase the pressure on local traffic safety.

Some people refute this. In the past, private accidents involved in private cars in mainland China were extremely low, indicating that most mainland drivers could abide by Hong Kong's traffic laws when driving in Hong Kong.In terms of data, this is indeed not wrong.But after all, human emotions are subjective, and it is difficult to persuade some Hong Kong people from a rational perspective.

Overall, Hong Kong people who support "Guangdong to go south" are mostly considered from political and economic factors. It is believed that measures are conducive to the integration and development of Guangdong and Hong Kong.Opponers are eliminated from those who have serious prejudice and dissatisfaction with the mainland. They are more about seeing the disadvantages of self -driving tour from the level of life safety and living space.The two views have their own principles, making the incident a melee of each word.

The Hong Kong Government may also know that the controversy of "Guangdong car south" is quite controversial. Recently, there have been many initiative to explain that the "Guangdong car south" has a quota in the early days, which will also be limited.After the parking lot of the island is parking, he will take another transportation to the city of Hong Kong.As for the second stage of the Cantonese car entered the urban area, there was no timetable for the time being to allow mainland car owners to drive in Hong Kong for the time being.In all fairness, the Hong Kong government's statement is pragmatic.

"Hong Kong Car goes north" and "Guangdong car south" are indeed beneficial to the integration and development of Guangdong and Hong Kong.However, in order to bring these two policies to bring more benefits to residents of the two places, you must first make full support arrangements, otherwise it will be counterproductive at any time and the opposite effect will be appeared.