Israel continues to advance its offensive against Hamas. Geng Shuang, deputy representative of the United Nations in the United Nations, said that China has deeply concerned about the severe human situation of the Gaza Strip, emphasizing that the red line stipulated in the International Humanitarian Law cannot be touched.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Geng Shuang spewed on Monday (November 6) to review the work of the United Nations Real East Palestinian Real Estate Remedy and Engineering Office (near Eastern Relief Engineering Office) at the Fourth Committee of the United Nations.

Geng Shuang said that this round of Pakistani conflict has lasted for a month.Today's near -East Relief Project Office is the last refuge and the only lifeline for the 2.3 million Gaza people.China has condemned all the violence and attacks on civilians, and opposed all violations of international law.

Geng Shuang said that people's lives are equally valuable. Whether it is Palestinian civilians or Israeli civilians, they should not become victims of armed conflicts.The safety of the United Nations staff, humanity and medical workers must be guaranteed.Civil facilities such as hospitals, schools, and refugee camps should not be the goal of military action.The red line stipulated by this international humanitarian law cannot be touched, and the bottom line of international morality and human conscience cannot be lost.

He said that China has deeply concerned about the severe human situation of the Gaza Strip.The supply of the basic survival materials of the Gaza Strip has been completely blocked and cut off, and the relief work of the Relief Engineering Office of the Eastern East is difficult to sustain.China once again called on Israel to lift the blockade and revoke an emergency evacuation order, restore the supply of water, electricity, food, and fuel in Gaza Strip as soon as possible, and stop collective punishment for people in the Gaza Strip.China praised Egypt and other regions and the United Nations Secretary -General Guterres to make efforts to open up humanitarian rescue channels, calling on Israel to create conditions for the comprehensive and effective operation of Lafa Port.Recently, China has also provided emergency exchange and humanitarian supplies to the Gaza Strip through channels such as near -East Relief Project.

Geng Shuang said that as long as the war continues, more violations of international humanitarian law will occur.If there is no lasting ceasefire, no matter how many humanitarian assistance is a cup of water.The continued war continues, and it is likely to evolve into a military catastrophe that devour the entire region.China supports 18 United Nations agencies and the heads of non -governmental organizations, issued a joint appeal to the person in charge of the non -governmental organization, supporting immediately suspension of fire as a priority goal to overwhelm everything, and supporting all parties to gather efforts to bring their efforts to this common direction.

Geng Shuang said that the reason why the situation in Pakistan has repeatedly trapped the turbulence, and the Palestinian refugee issue was delayed for more than 70 years, in the final analysis, because the "two countries' plans" did not be implemented, and the basic rights of the Palestinian people were not guaranteed.The fundamental way to solve the Palestinian issue is to establish an independent Palestinian country based on the border of 1967 and east of Jerusalem as the capital and enjoying complete sovereignty.China has called for as soon as possible to hold a more authoritative international conference as soon as possible, and to restart and implement the "two countries' solutions" to reach new consensus, to clarify specific steps.China will continue to work with the international community to make a unremitting efforts of the early subscription of the battlefall, alleviating the humanitarian crisis of the Gaza Strip, the realization of Pakistani and the peaceful coexistence of Pakistani.

Israel continues to advance its offensive against Hamas, and has been completely surrounded by Gaza City.All 18 major institutions in the United Nations issued a joint statement on Sundays on Sunday, expressing their indignation of countless civilians in Gaza, calling for "immediately implementing humanitarian ceasefire" with Harbin and asking Hamas to release all hostages.