A listed company in China appealed, nearly 60 million yuan (RMB, S $ 11.12 million) deposits, under the case of the company's unknown, and was included in a certain account by local banks to be used to have no connection with this company.Two companies of the relationship conduct acceptance bills.

According to the Beijing Commercial Daily, the Super Delica Section, which was listed in Shanghai on Saturday (November 4), announced that the company passed the subsidiaries on March 30 and deposited 60 million yuan into China Merchants Bank.Nanjing City North Sub -branch, but 59.95 million yuan was included in the deposit deposit account by the branch on the same day.

This deposit account exists in the name of Super Zhuohang Section, a total of 239.8 million bank acceptance bills issued by the Beicha (Jiangsu) Construction Project Management Co., Ltd. and Nanjing Longyuanhui Energy Electric Technology Co., Ltd.The date of issuance is March 29, and the maturity date is September 29.59.95 million yuan was drawn by China Merchants Bank Nanjing City North Branch on October 7th.

Overwhelmation of the Section of Super Delica, I do n’t know about the bank acceptance bills that have been issued before the deposit of funds.The construction of the Bei Kong (Jiangsu) and Longyuan Hui Neng did not have any related relationships and business exchanges with the company, the company's directors and supervisors, and the actual controller.

Super Zhuo Hangke said that the company has reported the case to the Economic Investigation Division of the Nanjing Public Security Bureau and reported to the Jiangsu Supervision Bureau of the State Administration of Finance and Administration.

It is reported that the incident of "disappearing" in deposits in recent years has repeatedly occurred, and reserved households involved enterprises and individuals.In 2022, the news of more than 250 million yuan of deposits of Nanning Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China appeared on the hot search. After investigation, it was found that the original creator of the loss of a number of large depositors was Liang Mou, the original department manager of the branch.

Liang first thought that the loan company contributed to the contribution of deposit, and through a number of middlemen looking for customers with idle funds to go to the bank to handle a large deposit business, it promised to give an additional additional bank deposit interest in normal banks.income.The relevant person in charge of the Bank of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Nanning Branch said that the current judicial identification of Liang is a personal criminal behavior and does not belong to the occupation of the job. At the same time, the victim is seduced by illegal high interest rates. Through the operation of unconventional procedures, capital losses are caused.

Wang Junxi (a pseudonym) who had served as an executive in the bank told the Beijing Commercial Daily that the bank acceptance bill is a delay payment notice issued by the payment.Obligations, but the premise of banks issuing the acceptance bill is that enterprises need relevant credit. For example, the company deposits a deposit of a certain bill amount to the bank. If there is no bank credit, it is not qualified to issue bank acceptance bills.

The bank, who is unwilling to name, told the public that there is no business, and the bank will not issue a acceptance bill.And some legal person signed, the bank received the authenticity of the application required to check the application, and then issued a bank acceptance bill according to the relevant trade contracts and invoices provided by the customer.

Wang Junxi added that from the perspective of the process, the information of the company's provision of bank acceptance bills must be consistent with the seal left of the bank account before the bank can issue the acceptance bill.The key to this is to verify whether there is a fraud in the discount information of the opening of the exchange and the account opening information. If the fraud is fraud, the fake is the case, and the normal issuance of the acceptance bill requires the relevant trade contract.

Shortly after the announcement was issued by the Super Delica Department, the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued an inquiry letter asking the Super Zhuo Hangke to supplement the disclosure, the reasons and rationality of the China Merchants Bank Nanjing City North Sub -branch, the main participants and the decision -making process, and and of.Explain whether to sign a relevant contract, whether there is a guarantee of guarantee or other special agreement.In addition, the company also requested whether to sign an agreement related to the bank acceptance bill, whether the relevant procedures for issuing the bank acceptance bill, and whether the company's official seal use has a major defects such as major defects.