Member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, on Monday (November 6), met Huang Yingxian, visited in Beijing, and said that every time he met, he promoted Sino -Australian relations.

According to the news released by the China Global Television Network reporter group on Weibo, Wang Yi said: "Every time you meet, understand and promote the improvement of China -Australia relations."

Australian Foreign Minister Huang Yingxian celebrated his birthday in Beijing on Sunday (5th). Wang Yi issued congratulations: "Being able to have a birthday in Beijing, I think it has its special significance, indicating that you still have a fate with China."

Wang Yi met with Huang Yingxian in Jakarta, Indonesia in July this year.When Huang Yingxian met with Wang Yi, he raised human rights and trade issues to the other party and emphasized that it is important to defend human rights.In the talks, she mentioned the issue of trade between the two countries that until the Sino -Australian trade problem was completely resolved, the Australian Prime Minister Albanis's visit to China would be put on hold.

Albanis is currently in Beijing and is expected to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in the afternoon.The Australian Labor government led by Albanis has gradually recovered since taking office last May. The two sides restarted high -level ministerial meetings. Beijing also canceled the restrictions on imports of coal, wood and barley in Australia.Before Albanis visited China, Beijing released Cheng Lei, a Australian reporter who had been detained for more than three years.