He Xiaopeng

"AEB War" further upgraded.

On the evening of November 4, Xiaopeng Automobile CEO He Xiaopeng posted in the circle of friends: "I recently evaluated a chaos in the industry. As a result, the industry was not urgent.P>

He Xiaopeng's remarks are undoubtedly in response to Huawei's executive director, terminal BG CEO, and smart car solution BU chairman Yu Chengdong.Earlier, the two had already had several rounds on the AEB function.

"AEB" is the automatic emergency brake system (Autonomous Emergency Braging), which monitors the driving environment in front of the vehicle in real time, and automatically start the vehicle brake system when a collision danger may occur to reduce the vehicle to avoid collision or alleviationcollision.

On November 1st, He Xiaopeng talked about the AEB function in an interview with the media. "Friends talk about AEB. I think 99%are fake, it is fraud.Small video.

He Xiaopeng also said that at present, AEB talks about AEB, mainly talking about vertical AEB; when it triggered, most of the cases should be within 60 kilometers per hour.If the speed is too high, once the brake is wrong, it will be a huge scare for users, which is unacceptable at all.

He Xiaopeng said that it is wrong to treat customers as mice. Some companies dare to do so, but there will be anti -buddies. "I have done it in the automotive industry for a few years, and I am not willing to do this.Do AEB better "

On the evening of November 3, Yu Chengdong posted a post in the circle of friends to fight back. He Xiaopeng said, "Even what is AEB, there are actually car companies who have not understood it at all! It is exactly the same as that smart driving is flickering!"

Yu Chengdong said that some people lack basic awareness of industry technology progress and future development. "Some car companies are busy doing smart driving all day. The results of AEB's active safety test results are very poor.The basic functions did not do it, which surprised me very surprisingly. "

The air between He Xiaopeng and Yu Chengdong seemed to last for only a few days, but the surging news reporter sorted out the timeline and found that its origin was actually a AEB evaluation in July this year.

At that time, there were vertical media claiming to be a variety of models such as the interrogation industry, Xiaopeng, Volvo and other models, and released a comparison result. The results show that the AEB function performanceEnterprise.The report was reposted a lot of Huawei's self -media and consumers, and the influence was great.

The interview on November 1st was not the first time He Xiaopeng had "fired".

On the Xiaopeng Automobile Science and Technology Day in October, Xiaopeng Automobile directly hit the big screen that "the strong king may affect public opinion, and really can create the future".The speech of the video is ridiculous to the friend AEB road test video.

At that time, many people in the industry and media people expressed puzzled the hostility of Xiaopeng Automobile. Some people speculated that Li Xiang, CEO, the ideal car CEO of "King of Weibo", and some people thought that "Big mouth "Yu Chengdong.

Not only is the fighting between the two sides very happy, but the war is rapidly expanding.

"Seeing the lively is not too big" netizens sent a comment to call Li want to participate in the war, and on this wave of traffic.In this regard, Li Xiang responded: "It is really noisy to quarrel with Huawei."

and Huawei's friend Avita CEO Tan Benhong took the initiative to participate in the debate.

On November 4, Tan Benhong released Weibo and said, "Is AEB really or fake? Look at the 'folk video' from our Avita 11 car owner and Mr. Jiangsu Fan." He also added that, "Huawei blessings, far ahead."