A man in Deyang, Sichuan died during the hospitalization treatment of Deyang City Hospital due to waist pain. Judicial appraisal pointed out that there were faults in the hospital involved.

According to the surging news report, the Deyang Intermediate Court reported the above case on Sunday (November 5), and was identified by the Sichuan Southwest Judicial Appraisal Center.The case was also successfully selected as the selection of the eighth "Top Ten Trial" case of the Sichuan Provincial Court.

The report pointed out that Xiao Mou went to the Deyang City Hospital for hospitalization due to lumbar pain on January 17, 2018, and died one month later.The death discussion record of Deyang Hospital states that the diagnosis of death is severe purulent, dysfunctional failure, lumbar vertebral infection with nerve compression, and subacute liver failure (hepatitis B correlation).

Entrusted by the court, the Sichuan Southwest Judicial Appraisal Center made an appraisal opinion: "The city hospital was in fault to Xiao's diagnosis and treatment.There is a basic disease of hepatitis B, which is a risk factor for anti -tuberculosis drug -based liver injury. The medical party did not take sufficient measures to make faults; the medical party stopped anti -tuberculosis on February 1There are insufficient treatment. "

The notification also pointed out that the above case warned the importance of the medical party to improve and fulfill the obligations of the autopsy, and successfully shortlisted the selection of the eighth" Top Ten Trial "case of the Sichuan Provincial Court.