In response to a primary school in Guangdong, students need to wear helmets to go to school, and the Education Bureau of Xuwen County, Zhanjiang, Guangdong responded that the school involved in the process of promoting the policy was too strict, and the school had notified the school to rectify.

According to, some netizens last Saturday (November 4) said that all students asked all students to wear helmets to go to school. "Wear ".

Related videos show that at the entrance of the Central Elementary School of Kaiga Township, dozens of students have wearing helmets and walking out of the school gate, and only one student holds the helmet on his hand.Motorcycles or electric vehicles are not appeared in the video.

The staff of the Office of the Education Bureau of Xuwen County responded that "with a helmet into campus" is the unified requirement of the Zhanjiang Education Bureau.When traveling with electric vehicles and motorcycles, students and parents should do a good job of "one helmet, one area", "one person and one hat" to ensure the safety of traffic. When entering the school, the helmet and schoolbag should be brought into the classroom at the same time.Some schools also set up a helmet area for this purpose to store students' helmets.

The staff introduced that this policy has been implemented for more than a month, which aims to enhance the safety awareness of students and parents, advocate safe and civilized travel, and "do not require students who walk or take small cars."

The staff said on the above incident that the school involved in the process of promoting this policy is too strict. The Education Bureau has communicated with the school and requested the school to rectify.The situation that needs to be a helmet in a car "to learn from the car" happened again.