A police officer in Jilin, China went to the market to help his wife sell vegetables, leaving a pistol in violation of regulations, put his pistols in his bag, and then mistakenly thought that the richer thief in the shoulder bag stolen.

According to a report on Friday (November 3) at the Chinese Fingertips Client, the case occurred on September 22.After a public security and civilian police night shift in Yanji City, Jilin Province, he carried a 92 -type pistol and 20 rounds of bullets in violation of regulations, and went to the morning market to help his wife sell vegetables.

The policeman was wearing a casual clothes at the time, the gun and bullet were placed in the shoulder bag, and the shoulder bag was hung nearby.

A criminal of theft in the market saw the drums of the shoulder bag, thinking that it was money, and took the opportunity to touch it. After returning, he saw a pistol and immediately drove away from Yanji City.

The police found that the gun was lost immediately after being lost.Jilin Police investigated the suspect of theft and fled to Bayan County, Heilongjiang Province, and immediately asked the Heilongjiang Police to assist in the arrest.

After receiving the instructions, the Public Security Bureau of Bayan County dispatched a hundred police forces. The incident had successfully captured the 50 -year -old suspect in less than 24 hours, and the lost pistols and bullets were repaid on the spot.The suspect is in the process of transferring to the procuratorate.

Relevant persons in Heilongjiang Bayan police told the fingertips on November 3: "If the message is not authorized, please understand it."If the Provincial Public Security Department is involved in handling, the Yanji Public Security Bureau does not know the relevant situation.