China National Climate Center said that this winter this winter is too late this year, which is not conducive to the spring and spring sowing in the next spring.

According to the surging news report, Jia Xiaolong, deputy director of China National Climate Center, said at a press conference on Friday (November 3) that since this fall, the temperature in northern China is extremely high, most of the northeast, North China, North ChinaThe winter of the northwest, most northwest, and other places are late in winter, and some areas are too late for more than five days. It may affect the emergence and growth of crops.

Jia Xiaolong introduced that the delay in winter may affect the growth season and cycle of crops, which is not conducive to agricultural production plans and output; warm and hot climate leads to overwintering and breeding of pests and insect pests.In the coming year, the risk of diseases and insect pests increased.

Jia Xiaolong said that warm weather may cause "ecological imbalances", such as some plant species may bloom or result in unsuitable time, and animal breeding and migration behaviors may also be affected.EssenceWarm and warm weather may also reduce the flow of snowysts in the spring season, which will cause drought and cause water shortage.Decreased precipitation or delays of snowfall can lead to decline in groundwater levels and difficulty in water supply, which may adversely affect agricultural irrigation and urban water supply.

According to the WeChat public account "China Meteorological Bureau" news, the China National Climate Center predicts that in November this year, the temperature in most areas across the country is high.Most of the eastern and southwest areas are 1 to 2 degrees Celsius.