The National Health and Health Commission of China issued a standard health assessment standard for the recommended health industry standards, which stipulates that the childcare staff should have health certification and complete civil behavior capabilities.Certificate of Good Conduct.Psychotic patients and those with a history of mental illness shall not work in nursery institutions.

根据新华社星期五(11月3日)报道,托育机构质量评估标准对托育机构的办托条件、托育队伍、保育照护、卫生保健、养育支持、安全保障、The content of the evaluation of institutional management is specified.

The standards are clearly clarified from the aspects of the qualifications, environmental spaces, equipment and facilities, and toy materials of the nursery institution.Among them, the nursery institution should obtain a business license to provide childcare services, and the business scope should be clearly indicated in the scope of "childcare services" or "infant care services under 3 years old".

The childcare institution should also have a living room and appropriate auxiliary rooms that meet the living games of infant and young children.The living room of infants and young children should be arranged on three and below, and should not be arranged in the basement or semi -underground room.Infants and young children are bright and naturally lit. The opening area of ​​the window hole of the living room should not be less than 20%of the room area.Destiny houses should not be west. When inevitable, sunshade measures should be taken.

According to the standard, the person in charge of the childcare institution should have a college degree or above, and has experience in related management of children's conservation education, health and health for more than 3 years.All childcare staff should have health certificates and complete civil behavior capabilities, and have no criminal record certificates issued by the household registration or place of residence.Psychotic patients and those with a history of mental illness shall not work in nursery institutions.

In addition, the nursery institution should have safety facilities and equipment, install one -click alarm, and equip the necessary fire protection facilities.Installation of monitoring equipment for infants and young children is fully covered.The preservation period of monitoring video data is not less than 90 days.In -daily life and activities penetrate safety education to infants and young children, to ensure that the education rate of infants and young children reaches 100%.Safety education is regularly facing parents of infants and young children.

Report introduction, this standard is suitable for assessment of institutions (including kindergartens) for institutions (including kindergartens) for infants and young children under the age of three.Evaluations of care institutions that provide care services provided by half -day care, timing, temporary trust services can be implemented.The standard will be implemented from April 1 next year.