The remains of Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang were cremated in Beijing on Thursday (November 2).Tiananmen Square was mourning in the second half of the day, the official Chinese official, all the members of the Politburo, and the vice chairman of the Politburo, and Han Zheng, the vice chairman of the Politburo, went to the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery to bid farewell.Former General Secretary Hu Jintao did not go. Instead, he sent a wreath to express his mourning, which may be poor.In the CCTV news picture, Mrs. Li Keqiang Cheng Hong's expression was sad, making people particularly unbearable.

Li Keqiang suddenly had a heart attack during a break in Shanghai last Thursday, and the rescue was ineffective in the early morning of the next day.He was only 68 years old and enjoyed the medical protection of the leader of the leader. After the official retirement in March this year, he died a few days after his leisure. He was deeply shocked, incredible, and full of regret.

The official is compared to the specifications of the premier Li Peng's death before 2019 to rule Li Keqiang's funeral.This is just as described by Hong Kong media, all of which are rituals, and they cannot talk about dwarfing.However, many people also noticed that there are very few relevant information on domestic media in China, and the topic of the topic quickly cooled down after the initial outbreak.The contents of the social media comment area are highly repeated. This shows that the official control measures have taken control measures, and they do not want to attract public opinion. It is said that some institutions and schools have stopped collective memorialization activities.

However, after all, Li Keqiang's removal of his memories and deeply; he did not carry huge historical disputes like Li Peng.Thinking and expressing, you need some exports.

Yesterday morning, what was the commemoration of a commemorative?The WeChat article was once popular on the Internet.

This article is graphic and text, but the text is not long, but it lists seven aspects that people miss Li Keqiang.The first is the spirit of seeking truth and pragmatic, such as Li Keqiang once bluntly stated that China still has less than 1,000 yuan a month (RMB, S $ 187);Electricity, railway freight volume, and loan distribution have been recognized by international institutions as the Keqiang index.

The second is the attitude of respecting the market, law and common sense, including insisting on insisting on the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, and firmly believe that the door to China will not be open to the outside world.The remaining five points are the story of cleanliness and scholars who are official and heart -based scholars, the atmosphere of protecting innovation and culture, the concept of waiting for others, individual struggle, and idealism.

Does these overview summarize the characteristics of Li Keqiang completely and accurately?Details can also be discussed.However, pragmatic, the market and the rule of law, and the heart of the heart have already described the image of Li Keqiang.The first point is pragmatic. The core is that it does not exaggerate the national strength. This is inherited from the heart of the heart, and also contains the rustic scholars' feelings.

There was a report on the mainstream media of Chinese media that in 2014, Li Keqiang, who was the Prime Minister in 2014, recalled that he was inserted in Fengyang, Anhui during the Cultural Revolution at the CPPCC National Committee.When arranging production, food is still not enough. When the grain lack is severe, it even needs the official seal of the large team to open a proof of escaping the spring wasteland in the village.To put it simply, the peasants of the year had to file a document to prove that they would be arrested.

Li Keqiang is still in the temple and still does not forget the suffering of Li Min.At the meeting, he told the story down that the subsequent plot was pushed away by the contract system, and the production team was basically ignored.Li Keqiang stressed that reform is indeed China's biggest dividend, so it is necessary to rely on reform and innovation and stimulate market vitality.The Chinese Government Network also issued an article that Li Keqiang took over the State Council in 2013. The first issue of the State Council's executive meeting for five consecutive years was simplified administration and decentralization, which involved regulations and improving government administrative approval.

His ruling philosophy is to downplay ideology, transform government functions, decentralization markets, and encourage online business model innovation.This is different from the ultimate development path adopted by China's highest leadership center. To some extent, it can be said that it is incompatible.This exacerbates the weakness and marginalization of functions, and he is unable to change the result.

Objectively speaking, in terms of policies, Li Keqiang pushed the public entrepreneurship and innovation that he pushed in Ren. There was no good design, resulting in a lot of sequelae. When China's Internet finance developed rapidly, it also lacked necessary supervision.Although the decentralization and decentralization lasted for five years, they did not let go of much power, which reflected that he had no power.Therefore, the commemoration of Li Keqiang is not how much specific policies, and more of the spiritual concepts he still retained in the difficult situation.

In addition, the image of Li Keqiang's cleanliness as an official and two -sleeved breeze is also moving.

Chinese people commemorate their old people, often at the same time that they are not as bad as in the past.Today, in which intellectuals stay away from the Chinese public opinion field, people miss the period when the social atmosphere is relatively loose, and the government has more space and opening up in the market.But the so -called Li Keqiang era never existed, it was just an imagination.Li Keqiang was just one of the participants in his own era, and was eventually washed away by the torrent of history.

But this does not prevent people commemorating a spiritual heritage of pragmaticness, respect for the market and the rule of law, and the heart of the life. When he died, he felt that he was not easy and persistent, and his dedication and patience.Even if these values ​​are not prominent and do not occupy the mainstream, they will stay in the society and play a role silently without being annihilated.