The remains of the late Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, on Thursday (November 2) in Beijing, the official leaders such as Chinese officials arrived on the scene.Officials strengthen the alert to related places to prevent further fermentation of folk mourning for a week.

Li Keqiang, who had just stepped down as Prime Minister in March this year, died in Shanghai at the age of 68 due to sudden heart disease in the early morning of last Friday (October 27).

China CCTV reported that the seven members of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi, and the vice chairman of the Chinese Standing Committee of the Chinese Politburo, and the Chinese Vice President Han arrived at the Auditorium of the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery at 9 am.Qianli was silent, bowed to the body three, and shook hands with his relatives of Li Keqiang to express his condolences.

According to the CCTV news screen, Chinese official and his wife Peng Liyuan bowed to the remains in the sound of sorrow, and then slowly detoured Li Keqiang's legacy and shook hands with Li Keqiang's widow.

The specifications of Li Keqiang's farewell ceremony are compared with former Prime Minister Li Peng who died in 2019.The black -bottomed white -shaped banner is hung in the front hall of the hall.Li Keqiang's body was lying in the flowers and cypresses, covering the CCP's flag.In front of the remains, there is a flower basket that Cheng Hong brought his daughter with his daughter. The flower basket ribbon reads: You will always be with us .

Hu Jintao, a former general secretary of the Communist Party of China, did not show farewell ceremony, but the news screen showed his wreath.Both Li Keqiang and Hu Jintao were the main heads of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. During the office of the Central Committee, Li Keqiang worked under the leadership of Hu Jintao.

According to Xinhua News Agency, during the rescue and death of Li Keqiang, seven Politburo Standing Committee members, Han Zheng and Hu Jintao, etc., went to the hospital to visit or expressed their condolences to the death of Li Keqiang through various forms, and condolences to their families.

Grandma Li Keqiang, published by the official media Xinhua News Agency on Thursday, affirmed that Li Keqiang continued to promote the reform of the economic system during his tenure, strived to build a marketization, rule of law, and international business business environment, actively promoted the common development of various ownership economies, resolutely implemented the policy of opening up foreign open policiesEssence

The article also pointed out that Li Keqiang often penetrates the front line of enterprises, factories, mines, fields, and grass -roots levels. He listens to the voices of the masses carefully.The work style, take the lead in opposing formalism and bureaucracy.

In the past week, the Chinese people have used Mourning Li Keqiang.Li Keqiang was full of flowers at the door of the former residence of Hefei, Anhui, and there was a constant stream of people present.On Thursday morning, a large number of people went to the roadside of Babaoshan to wait, hoping to send Li Keqiang for the last journey.As the outsiders of the Babaoshan Metro Station continued to increase, the subway station was closed.

In addition to adopting traffic control against Babaoshan, the official also strengthened the alert to Tiananmen Square.It is understood that the square was still open to tourists on the same day, but the number of police officers on the scene increased significantly, and many foreign tourists were drawn up and turned over.Tiananmen Subway Station shutdown throughout the day, and the public must not ride a bike like a square as usual.

Tiananmen, Xinhuamen, the Great Hall of the People, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the party committees and governments of various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, and governments directly under the Central Government, Hong Kong and Macau, border ports, foreign sea and air ports, and Chinese embassies in the Chinese embassy in the country are all sorrowful on Thursday.However, there are also many places to send screenshots in many places, saying that superiors require local schools and enterprises and other institutions to not reduce the flags, and do not hold condolences.

Kou Jianwen, director of the International Research Center of Taiwan Politburo, was analyzed during an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. Li Keqiang's relatively affordable and enlightened image, as well as the voice of his representative of economic development, is Chinese people's memorial service The important reasons for this former leader also reflect the dissatisfaction of the public.

Kou Jianwen also pointed out that the mourning tide of Li Keqiang could not be compared with the death of Hu Yaobang.Because the vulnerable Li Keqiang is far away from Hu Yaobang in the party, the state's control of society is not the same as before.The various preventive measures taken by the official have greatly increased the difficulty of emotional communication.Fully dissatisfaction will be difficult to spread in the Internet and reality.