As Chinese car companies enter the target sprint stage throughout the year, a number of car companies have launched a price war. Among them, the electric vehicle giant BYD announced that its models have reduced the maximum price of 18,000 yuan (RMB, the same below, about 3403 new new new new, about 3403 new new new new new, about 3403 new new new.Yuan), zero -run car announced that the price of all models was reduced.

According to the surging news report, BYD announced on Wednesday (November 1) that it will be carried out from November 1st to 30th.Two thousand yuan; the dolphin and seal champion version enjoy 2,000 yuan to 9,000 yuan; the Song Plus champion version and the destroyer 05 champion version enjoy 2000 yuan to 7,000 yuan.In addition, there are discounts such as zero interest rates for two years, up to 8,000 yuan replacement subsidy.

The zero -run car also released the announcement of the announcement of the entire model the next day. From November 1st to 30th, the maximum subsidy can be obtained by 10,000 yuan.In addition, some models can also enjoy subsidies such as 5,000 yuan, 950 yuan, strong insurance, and home charge service package.

It is reported that although BYD's revenue in the first three quarters of this year increased by 57.75%, BYD's annual sales target for its annual sales was 3 million vehicles. To achieve this goal, BYD must be in 11Both month and December sold more than 300,000 vehicles.BYD exceeded 300,000 monthly sales in October this year.

In addition to BYD and Zero Running cars, Geely's Link Automobile and Great Wall's Euler Motors also issue price reductions notice on Wednesday to reduce prices for their models or provide subsidies.

Following Tesla the price of two Chinese production models to the lowest history earlier this year, the price war has been fully launched in the Chinese auto market.Although Tesla, BYD and other car companies have united signing a promise .Normal price disruption of the market is fair and competitive, but the price war has not stopped, and it is getting stronger in the second half of the year.

Since August, a number of car companies have opened a price war through different forms such as official descendes, new car discounts, and terminals. It covers more than 20 models, ranging from 50,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan.