(Beijing / Singapore Comprehensive News) The remains of Li Keqiang, the former Prime Minister of the State Council of China, will be cremated in Beijing on Thursday (November 2).

Li Keqiang died early on Friday (October 27) at the age of 68 at the age of 68.According to Xinhua News Agency, Li Keqiang's remains have been escorted from Shanghai to Beijing and will be cremated in Beijing on Thursday.

On the same day, Beijing Tiananmen, Xinhuamen, the Hall of People's Congress, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities of the Communist Party of China and government, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region, various border ports, foreign and air ports, Chinese embassies and consulates abroad and consulates abroadWill sorrow the next half.

Singapore Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Policy Wang Ruijie signed a hanging book at the Chinese Embassy in Singapore on Tuesday (October 31).He said on Personal Facebook in Chinese and English, and he was sad for Li Keqiang's death.

Wang Ruijie said that Li Keqiang is an outstanding politician, firmly supporting the new China, as well as the Asianan and China to strengthen cooperation with China.During his time as the Prime Minister, we have achieved milestones in both sides, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation.

The Chinese official's earlier report said that Li Keqiang was an outstanding party member of the Chinese government, a long -tested loyal communist warrior, an outstanding proletarian revolutionaries, politicians, and outstanding leaders of the party and the country. This title and died of illness in 2019Former Prime Minister Li Peng is the same.

The specifications of Li Keqiang's farewell ceremony will be similar to Li Peng.One week after Li Peng's death in July 2019, the remains were cremated in the Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery in Beijing, and all members of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China, including the General Secretary of China, attended.

The news of Li Keqiang's sudden death shocked Chinese public opinion, and many people spontaneously commented on him.Last weekend, Li Keqiang was around the former residence of Hefei City, Anhui Province.

Li Keqiang's alma mater, Peking University, published a deep memory of Li Keqiang's alumni article, saying that the teachers and students of Bei University were immersed in deep grief.