China Shenzhou 16 ended for five months.After the mission of the space station, on Tuesday (October 31), he successfully landed at Dongfeng in the morning.

According to the CCTV news client report, after the return capsule of Shenzhou XIII, the manned spacecraft returned to the atmosphere in the early morning of Tuesday, and landed at the Dongfeng landing at 8 o'clock.

Shenzhou XIIC Monday Monday (October 30) at 8:37 pm after working with the Shenzhou No. 17 astronauts, it was separated from the space station combination.

After the separation, Shenzhou XVAAC holds a high -definition camera and completes the panoramic image of the space station combination with the earth as the background through the spacecraft.

According to reports, Shenzhou XIII's landing has adopted the "Quick Return Plan" since Shenzhou 13, that is, the number of circles around the earth shortened from the earlier 11 laps to the five and a half lapHours, the time to shorten the return of the astronauts also reduces the discomfort of astronauts' stay in a small space for a long time.

, and stayed at the space station for about five months, carried out the space science and application load experiments, implemented the space staff out of the cabin activities and the cargo air gates, and carried out the installation of external loads and space station maintenance and maintenance.Wait for tasks.Shenzhou 16 is also the first task after the official entered the application and development stage of China Space Station.