Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission, did not name the United States on Monday (October 30) that some countries deliberately created turbulence and artificially created many geographical contradictions.At the same time, he emphasized that China is willing to develop military relations between Midea Guan in accordance with the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win -win cooperation.

Zhang Youxia delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum on Monday morning.When he explained the security challenges facing the world, he pointed out that the cold war was hazy and urged countries to avoid falling into a camp confrontation.

This is the first time that China has resumed the Xiangshan Forum for the first time after the epidemic. The main speech of the opening ceremony of the forum was generally published by China Defense Ministers.Zhang Youxia, who ranked second in the Chinese military, delivered a keynote speech.

This year, more than 30 national defense ministers and foreign representatives of the military chief attended the opening ceremony; the United States and Russia sent Vice -Minister of Defense's Office of the Ministry of Defense's senior director of China Affairs, and Russian Defense Minister Shiyu.

Many high -level personnel from various countries participating come from developing countries. Attendees include Myanmar Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ding Angshan, Belarus Minister Hedenin, and Zimbabwe Defense Director Mu Xingu.

Dr. Huang Yonghong, the Minister of Defense of my country, also attended the opening ceremony.

In his speech, Zhang Youxia urged countries to be alert to the cold war thinking to come back to the wrong practices of the tearing world.He pointed out that some countries have always held the zero -sum thinking of losing me, the jungle law of weak meat and strong food, the group politics of the group of gangs, and the unilateralism of the wall building and the base. "It makes our world full of war"

of haze and humanitarian disaster"

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, China has many times that the United States has poured oil on the fire; China and the United States have also had differences on the issue of the Harbin conflict.

Zhang Youxia urges all countries to work hard to eliminate the conflict of war, and accuse individual countries of fear that the world will not be chaotic, deliberately create turbulence, intervene in regional affairs, interfere with other domestic politics, and motivate the color revolution.

He does not name the United States, saying that some countries "even buried nails for their own privately, artificially created a lot of geopolitical contradictions, and long -term pulling, which led to complex and difficult to solve the situation in the region., To collect the advantages of fishermen. "

Zhang Youxia also warned the Taiwan issue.He emphasized: "Taiwan is the core of China's core interests, and a Chinese principle is a common consensus in the international community. No matter who wants to split Taiwan from any form in any form, the Chinese army will never agree, and it will never be soft."

After the former Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress Perosi visited Taiwan in August 2022, the contact of senior China and the US military was in a shutdown.In the middle of this year, the two countries began to restart high -level interaction in the fields of diplomacy, economy and trade, climate change, etc., but military high -level contact recovery steps slowly.

It is reported this month that Beijing has invited the US Defense Minister Austin to attend the Xiangshan Forum.Although the lower -level Cleles at the end of the United States attended, many analysis still believes that this is a sign of the China -US military contact recall.

When Zhang Youxia explained the military cooperation between China and foreign countries, he first proposed that China will continue to deepen the strategic mutual trust and strategic collaboration between China and Russia.Military relations.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs disclosed at a regular press conference on Monday afternoon that China and the United States have agreed to hold Sino -US marine affairs in the near future, as well as negotiations such as China -US military control and anti -proliferation.

Zhang Youxia also shows that China will actively participate in security governance such as peacekeeping, military control, escort, anti -terrorism, climate change, etc., strengthen the communication of security issues in emerging fields, and actively participate in the formulation of global security rules.