After the reform and opening up in the late 1970s, seniors have tried to promote the separation of collective leadership and party and government.The party and government separate the State Council's heavy weight in Chinese politics and relatively independent, but the official currently revised the first amendment to the implementation of the State Council's organizational law in 41 years, highlighting the emphasis on the support of the State Council to support the "two establishments", maintaining the authority of the CPC Central Committee, and centralized unified leadership.Political attributes.This has become the characteristics of Chinese politics.

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China reviewed the draft amendments to the State Council's Organization Law on October 20. This is the first revision in the 41 years since the implementation of the State Council's Organization Law.

The Organization Law of the State Council is the basic law on the organizational system and work system of the State Council of the State Council.In December 1982, the fifth meeting of the Fifth China People's Congress passed the current State Council Organization Law while passing the current constitution.For more than 40 years, the law has not been modified.

A total of 18 drafts are revised. The main modifications include the clear legislative purpose and the nature of the State Council, the guiding ideology of the State Council work, the improvement of the relevant regulations of the State Council's personnel, the improvement of the State Council conference system, the improvement of the relevant regulations of the State Council institutions and its authority.Increase institutional measures to comprehensively and correctly fulfill the functions of the State Council in accordance with the law.

Official explanation said that since the 18th CPC National Congress, the functions of the party and state institutions have achieved systematic and overall reconstruction. Modifying the State Council's Organization Law is an inevitable requirement for the State Council to adhere to the party's comprehensive leadership and comprehensively strengthen the government's own construction.It is an institutional guarantee that the State Council adheres to the people -centered and adheres to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly. It is an important aspect of the comprehensive implementation of the constitution and the construction of the rule of law in the new era.Modernization of powerful measures.

Shen Chunyao, director of the Legal Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, introduced in the explanation of the draft case. This revision work adheres to the correct political direction, implements the major decision -making and deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and considers the party's central government's authority and centralized unified leadership as the highest political principle.Practice the entire process and all aspects of the practice; adhere to the scientific ideological methods and working methods, adhere to the innovation, adhere to the problem orientation, and adhere to the system of system; adhere to the constitutional legislation, strictly follow the system, principles and regulations established by the Constitution, deal withRelations with laws such as organizational law, legislative law, supervision law and other laws and relevant party regulations and administrative regulations.

Emphasize that the State Council must exercise its powers under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

In other words, the revision of the State Council's Organization Law must first strengthen the comprehensive leadership of the Communist Party of China.Exercise your powers.

The draft revision of the State Council's Organization Law added the following terms according to the Constitution: "The State Council of the People's Republic of China, the State Council of the People's Republic of China, the Central People's Government, is the executive authority of the highest state power organs and the highest state administrative agency."

Revised draft regulations: "The State Council is responsible for and reporting the work of the National People's Congress; during the period of the National People's Congress, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is responsible and reported to work.Supervision.

The revision of the draft also further clarifies the duties of the Deputy Prime Minister and State Councilor: Deputy Prime Minister and State Councilor assisted the Prime Minister to work in charge of the division of labor; commissioned by the Prime Minister, responsible for other aspects of work or special tasks;The State Council conducts foreign affairs activities.

For the meeting of the State Council, the revised draft has added four provisions: the main tasks of the General Assembly of the State Council are major matters such as discussing, determining government work reports, national economic and social development planning, etc., and deploy important tasks of the State Council;The task is to discuss the draft law and review the draft administrative regulations, and discuss, decide, and report important matters in the work of the State Council; the issues of the general meeting of the State Council and the executive meeting of the State Council should be announced in a timely manner in accordance with the law.

Revised draft does not involve prime minister permissions

The revised draft does not involve the prime minister's authority.According to the official statement, the Chinese State Council guides daily work and activities in accordance with the Constitution, the State Council's Organization Law, and the work rules of the State Council.The State Council implements the responsibility system of the Prime Minister, and the Premier of the State Council is fully responsible for daily affairs. He presides over the executive meeting of the State Council and the plenary meeting.

After China implemented the reform and opening up at the end of the 1970s, the senior management tried to implement the separation of collective leadership and party and government in order to eliminate personal worship and party and government disregard, and to use the disadvantages of party and government.In 1987, the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China comprehensively stipulated the principles and measures of the separation of the party and government. It pointed out that the party and government did not actually reduce the leadership of the Communist Party of China.Global and truly play the role of coordination.

The party and government separate the State Council's weight in Chinese politics and relatively independent. Successive prime ministers Li Peng, Zhu Rongji, Wen Jiabao, etc. also have great decision -making power in terms of economic and social development.However, with the end of the era of strong man after Deng Xiaoping's death, the collective leadership and party and government of the Communist Party of China gradually evolved into "Kowloon Water".

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chinese officials have accumulated a total prestige on the one hand through strong anti -corruption, and on the one hand, they have strengthened their collective power by increasing their own leadership groups and committees, with a view to changing the situation of "Kowloon Water".In 2016, the Communist Party of China re -established the Chinese official as the core of the CPC Central Committee and the entire Party.In March 2017, Wang Qishan, then member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, clearly proposed: "Under the leadership of the party, only the party and government division of labor and the separation of the party and government must be clear and upright."It completely withdrew from the CCP's discourse system.

In the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017, the socialist thought of Chinese characteristics in the new era of Chinese officials became the guiding ideology of the Communist Party of China.Since 2018, members of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, the secretary of the Secretariat of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China, including the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the leaders of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the secretary of the party group of the Supreme People's Court, the Party Leadership Group of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, etc.And strengthen the core position of China's official.

After the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the leader of the State Council of the State Council must adapt to the new position in the new era

Under the major changes in China's power structure, the State Council also needs to find its own new positioning.However, in the first 10 years after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, although the power of the State Council's management of the economic and society has decreased, because Li Keqiang, who served as the Prime Minister, belongs to the leader of the Chinese official and supports the Communist Youth League.Relatively independent decision -making power.Li Keqiang died in Shanghai on Friday (October 27) due to sudden heart disease at the age of 68.

In 2016, the "authoritative person" article published by the mainstream official media Daily, which posted on behalf of the opinions, criticized some economic policies adopted by the State Council at the time, and was interpreted as "the dispute between the North and South Academy" by the outside world.The central government has different voices and the State Council in the North Court of Zhongnanhai.

After the 2022 Communist Party of China in 2022, the senior management "changed blood" again.Li Keqiang and Wang Yang, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Youth League, retired. Hu Chunhua, a member of the Politburo and Vice Premier of the State Council, was transferred to the Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.The leadership of the State Council also ushered in the largest changes in the past 10 years. Li Qiang, who was deeply trusted, was the Prime Minister of the State Council.

In March of this year, Li Qiang emphasized at the first press conference after serving as the Prime Minister that the State Council will be in "Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with official Chinese comrades "," the work of the new government is to implement the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and implement it, and to turn the grand blueprint of the 20th painting of the party intoConstruction diagram."

For the leaders of the new State Council, the new requirements and norms of the State Council in the new era of the Chinese official in the new era of the Chinese official will be adapted to the "construction team" of the 20th blueprint of the Communist PartyThe phenomenon repeats, of course, it is not necessary to take it lightly.

The new State Council of China issued the revised work rules of the State Council in March this year.Compared with the work rules of the previous State Council five years ago, the new revised rules have changed a lot. The biggest change is to highlight the political positioning of the State Council, and emphasize that the State Council should "implement the party's leadership into the field of government work."

The new work rules of the State Council only emphasize the guidance of Chinese official ideas

The work rules of the previous State Council made Marx Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, "Three Represents" important thoughts, scientific development concepts, and the ideological ideas of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Chinese characteristics. The new rules only emphasized "Guided by Chinese official new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics. "

At the same time, the new rules have increased the expression of the political positioning of the State Council: the staff of the State Council should clearly talk about politics, deeply understand the decisive significance of the "two establishment", strengthen the "four consciousness", strengthen the "four self -confidence", and strengthenDo "two maintenance", adhere to the use of Chinese official new era of socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics to armed minds, guide practice, and promote work, keep "two overall situations", keep in mind the "big country of the country", consciously act in ideological and political actionsThe Party Central Committee with Chinese officials is highly consistent.

New rules also emphasize: "Resolutely carry out work under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Chinese official comrades as the core, comprehensively implement the party's route policies and policies, and comprehensively implement the party's central decision -making and deployment.Institutions and mechanisms, improve the implementation mechanism of major decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, improve and implement the request reporting system, major decision -making, major matters, and important circumstances to report to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner. "

The old rules do not have "adhere to and improve the institutional mechanism of the party's economic and social development", as well as "major decision -making, major matters, important circumstances to report to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner".

The new rules have also amended the meeting system and meeting content of the previous State Council. The first one of the main tasks of the State Council's executive meeting is: discussing important matters that require the Party Central Committee to review and decide.This new regulation is obviously to implement the principle of "major decision -making, major matters, and important situations to ask the Party Central Committee to report to the Party Central Committee in a timely manner."

The new rules also stipulate that the State Council establishes a learning system. Generally, a special study is arranged for two months. The theme of the study is determined by the Prime Minister.Improve the ability to perform their duties.

From the perspective of changes in the work rules of the State Council, compared with the State Council led by Li Keqiang, the State Council led by Li Qiang has significantly strengthened the political attributes of the State Council in guiding ideology, working principles and processes.Under the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, a new feature of work.

According to the official statement, the most important political achievements since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China are "two establishment", that isGuidance position.This is also the biggest change in China's politics over the past 10 years.

The new version of the State Council ’s work rules issued in March, as well as the draft revision of the State Council’ s Organization Law recently reviewed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, all highlights the political attributes of the State Council to support the “two establishment”, maintain the authority of the CPC Central Committee, and centralized unified leadership.This has become the characteristics of Chinese politics.