(Beijing Bloomberg) The Chinese government is ready to appoint the former deputy foreign minister Liu Zhenmin to replace Zhen Zhenhua and serve as a special envoy of climate change in China.This personnel change may affect the climatic cooperation between China and the United States.

A person familiar with the matter revealed that the above -mentioned personnel changes are likely to take effect after the closing of the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) held in the UAE in November this year.

Public information shows that Liu Zhenmin, 68, has been working in diplomatic systems, fluent in English, and has been in the United Nations for a long time.In 2013, Liu Zhenmin served as Deputy Foreign Minister of China in 2013. Until June 2017, he was appointed by the United Nations Secretary -General Guterres as the United Nations Deputy Secretary -General in charge of the Ministry of Economic and Social Affairs.

Liu Zhenmin has participated in a number of UN climate negotiations, including Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement.

Bloomberg said that it is unclear how Liu Zhenmin's appointment will affect Sino -US relations, but the 73 -year -old Jie Zhenhua has always kept closely linked with the US Presidential Climate Special Envoy Cry, and in the process of fighting the global warminghref = "https://www.zaobao.com/news/china/story20230721-1415936" R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> Get Progress .

After Liu Zhenmin takes office, he must face the complex political dynamics of China and the United States.As the US presidential election heats up, domestic anti -China remarks will inevitably intensify.At the same time, China ’s increasing importance to energy security also means that it must expand coal production capacity at the cost of sacrificing climate goals.

Zhenhua has pointed out that it is not actual to completely eliminate fossil energy.