A security personnel at a college in Liaoning, China were exposed to hanging the stray dog ​​when they drove the stray dog, and were fired by the school.

Comprehensive Jiupai News and Global Network reported on Saturday (October 21) that photos and videos on the Internet show that a dog is suspected of leaning against a tree with a person nearby, and his left hand seems to raise things.The photo also appeared "Liaoning Vocational College, the 30th anniversary, the security guard hung the dog alive."

Liaoning Vocational College of Advertising Vocational College on Saturday reported on the official website: "A security personnel at the Internet of the Internet drove the stray dog ​​incident to attract attention.P> The college pointed out that a security personnel were seriously unscrupulous when driving the disposal of a stray dog, causing a stray dog ​​to die, and fired the security personnel involved, and held the management responsibility for the person in charge of the department.

The college also said that the incident reflected that the school had insufficient educational management of security personnel, and the school apologized for this."Our school will effectively strengthen education and training, improve work methods, and improve the level of campus management."

On the other hand, there is an incident in Sichuan that students are accused of slaughtering dogs.Sichuan Vocational College of Science and Technology reported on Saturday that the two students stayed in school for inspection and punishment. This case has been transferred to the public security organs for treatment.