With the US pressure source country curbing the opioid crisis, Mexico is conducting high -level negotiations with China to control the transnational trafficking of Fenti raw materials.

Bloomberg reported on Friday (October 20) that people familiar with the matter reported that Mexico and China have continued to talk about the above -mentioned issues after the outbreak of saliva this year this year, and they are seeking to hold a high -level talks.

One of the people familiar with the matter said that as the first step, Mexico hopes to share information about cross -Pacific trafficking fenni and their predecessor.

China, Mexico, and the United States have accused each other on the opioid crisis for many years. The crisis leads to excessive medicine for thousands of Americans, and the excessive medication in Mexico has also shown an upward trend.

The US Drug Control Agency said that China is "the main source of all substances that all trafficking to the United States", but Washington has repeatedly pressured the Chinese government, but failed to curb transnational trafficking.

The United States also accuses China of providing chemical pre -chemical pre -chemicals for Mexican drug trafficking groups.The Chinese Embassy in Mexico said in May this year that China provided ordinary chemicals with legitimate use and expressed their opposition to the United States' "bullying" to Mexico with an excuse.

One of the people familiar with the matter said that China agreed to cooperate with Mexico to find out which chemicals were illegally traded.

Earlier this year, China -Mexico started to confront the issue of transnational trafficking of Fentany's raw materials through a letter.Mexican President Lopez has repeatedly denied that Feni is produced in the country of Mexica, and wrote a letter to the Chinese President Xi Jinping to seek assistance to control the transportation of these chemicals.China responded that there was any responsibility for related circumstances and said it was a problem in the United States.

The Mexican presidential spokesman did not reply to the request.A spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the Chinese government is "committed to cooperating with various countries in the world to combat transnational drug criminal activities."