China Evergrande said that the company is modifying the proposed reorganization clause to match the company's objective situation and creditors' requirements.

Comprehensive Reuters and United News Network reported that Evergrande announced on Friday (October 20) on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to announce the above news, and said that it was originally scheduled to be southern district of New York on October 25th.The overseas debt restructuring agreement tried by the US bankruptcy court arranges that the hearing will be postponed.

In addition, the other other hearing has also been canceled or extended indefinitely, including the agreement arrangement of the Hong Kong Evergrande Agreement arranged by the Hong Kong Evergrande Agreement, which was scheduled to be held on October 16th and 17th, Beijing time., Agreement with the Agreement arrangement of the Skylord Agreement will be canceled; the agreement arrangement of the agreement arrangement of the Cayman Islands Evergrande Agreement will be held at 10 am on October 5th, at 10 am on October 5th, the Cayman Islands time, and extension in indefinitely;The approved hearing of the Agreement Agreement arrangements scheduled to be arranged by the British Viking Islands on October 3rd on October 3rd, which was scheduled for indefinitely.

Evergrande Group issued an announcement on September 22, announcing the cancellation of the debt reorganization meeting originally scheduled to be held from September 25th to 26th, and two days later (24th) issued an announcement of overseas debt restructuring, saying that the group group was called the groupThe new bills planned to be issued under the recommendation reorganization, but because the company is being investigated, it cannot meet the issuance of the issuance of new bills.

Xu Jiayin, executive director and chairman of the board of directors of Evergrande Group, was also confirmed a few days later (28th) that forced measures have been taken for suspected illegal crimes.