The Chinese ambassador to Japan, Mrs. Kong Xiujun, said in Tokyo (February 24) in Tokyo and said in Tokyo, he said that he looked forward to the bonus of the epidemic in the epidemic, and to make up for the people's exchanges and exchange dialogue deficit as soon as possible., Set off a new round of exchanges, and promote the improvement of Sino -Japanese relations along the correct track.

According to the press release issued by the Chinese embassy website in Japan, Ambassador Kong Yiyou reviewed his unforgettable experience in diplomatic work and daily residence in his speech.Under the leadership of the leaders of the two countries, the two sides strengthened their political and foreign interactions and dialogue communication between various levels and fields. Hundreds of commemorative activities were held in various sectors of the two countries to form a commemorative ups and rush and momentum, which brought together positive energy for the improvement of China -Japan relations.

He said that this year is the 45th anniversary of the conclusion of the China -Japan Peace and Friendship Treaty. The two parties are maintaining communication on strengthening high -level interaction and mechanism dialogue, actively planning to carry out exchanges between the government, political parties, parliaments, local and adolescents, etc., and steadily stabilizeResumption of exchanges and cooperation in various fields.I look forward to the bonus of the post -epidemic era, make up for the personnel exchanges and exchange dialogue deficits as soon as possible, set off a new round of exchanges, and promote the improvement of Sino -Japanese relations along the correct track.

Kong Yanyou said that China and Japan, as close neighbors who cannot move and partners who have a long -term history of communication, can always obey the spirit of the four political documents and always grasp the relationship between the two countries from a strategic height and long -term perspective.Confused, adhere to the correct direction of peaceful and friendly cooperation, adhere to the neighborhood of trustworthiness and love, and adhere to the conflict between constructive management and control, and will definitely create a more mature, stable, healthy and strong Sino -Japanese relations, and open up the new era.The bright prospects of state relations.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Fukuda Kangfu, Hatoyama Yuki, Kayama representative Yamaguchi Nakayama, the constitutional Democratic Party representative Quan Jiantai, the second -order Junbo of the former Democratic Party, the deputy to the House of Representatives Changhai Jiangtian Wanli, the Deputy Senate of the SenateBoshuang, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reviewed the official Yamada Yamada, the President Shikakura of the League Federation, Noda Tani, the president of the Japanese and Central Association, and the president of the Japanese and China Friendship Hall on behalf of Miyamoto Hiroshima II, the director of the Japan -China Friendship Member AllianceMore than 800 people including senior government officials such as Xiaoyuan Yuko, members of the Congress of the Council, the heads of local governments and friendly groups, the heads of the economy, and high -level media high -level major media attended.

According to the press release of the Kyodo News Agency, Futian Kangfu said at the enrollment that the exchange of exchanges between the two countries was interrupted due to the impact of the crown disease. He emphasized the importance of carrying out "active exchanges" in the future.

Public information shows that Kong Yanyou, who is 64, graduated from the Japanese University of Foreign Languages in Shanghai. During the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he has more than 10 years of experience in Japan.In May 2019, the Ambassador to Japan in Japan was one of the representatives of China's "Knowing Japanese School".

Japan's Asahi Shimbun has quoted many Sino -Japanese diplomatic sources earlier this month that Kong Xunyou is expected to leave the country within this month, and Wu Jianghao, who is experienced in Japan, took over the position of Chinese ambassador to Japan.