He Jiankui, an associate professor of Southern University of Science and Technology, who was sentenced to three years in prison for the "first gene editing baby in the world" five years ago, has recently stood again to the cusp for the Hong Kong "Gao Cai Tong" (high -end talent permit) storm.

The Hong Kong Government launched a plan to attract high -income and top school graduates in the "grabbing" war at the end of last year. 7700 cases have been approved so far. He Jiankui, which was released in April last year, was one of them.

He Jiankui, who had a case and was questioned by academic ethics, became Hong Kong's "high -end talents", which caused an uproar on the Internet.The Hong Kong Government announced on Tuesday (February 21) that He Jiankui's pass has been revoked and suspected that someone provided false statements.

He Jiankui, 39, was a halo and young scientists and entrepreneurs.Born in Xinhua County, Loudi, Hunan, he was admitted to the physics major of the University of Science and Technology of China through his talent and efforts to study in the University of Science and Technology of China. He then went to the United States university for further studies.Doctoral.

The academic background is quite eye -catching, He Jiankui was introduced to return to China through the Shenzhen "Peacock Project" overseas high -level talent plan in 2012, and was employed at the University of Southern University of Science and Technology.At this time, he started to start the company and quickly expand the business landscape in the following years. It has a number of companies related to genetic sciences including Shenzhen Hanhai Biological Biotechnology.Platform.

"Gene Editing Baby" was born, which caused criticism of the Chinese and foreign academic circles. It was characterized by the official Chinese official as "chasing personal fame and wealth, deliberately evading supervision."However, after three years of silence in prison, He Jiankui changed his head to face after he was released from prison last year, ready to get up his sleeves to revive the fanfare.

He first opened a social media, and two months later, he announced the establishment of a new laboratory to scientific research on gene therapy engaged in rare genetic diseases.Rare disease.In January of this year, he also said on Weibo that he was going to find the Internet leader Ma Yun and Ma Huateng to raise a donation of 1 billion yuan (S $ 194 million).

During this period, He Jiankui was also invited to give a online speech at Harvard University to participate in the 2022 Rare Disease Cooperation Exchange Conference, and to be interviewed by many domestic and foreign media.

He Jiankui seemed to ignore a fact: three years after the outside world, he still paid attention to him. It is largely because the "gene editing baby" incident has not yet been turned, not interested in his future scientific vision.

In February of this year, a seminar of the Global Science and Cognitive Justice Center of Kent University hosted a seminar on the theme of "Biotechnology Governance Community". MoreDiscussing how to help the public build trust in human gene editing technology, He Jiankui was also invited to participate.

The organizer gave Zi He Jiankui's 40 -minute report time, hoping that he could share this thinking.However, according to Chinese media reports, He Jiankui only spoke for 25 minutes, and most of the time introduced the basic knowledge of gene editing technology and the DMD drug research and development plan to avoid all scientific research ethics -related issues."(He) is still not ready to engage in gene editing research."

He Jiankui, who was anxious to come back, is undoubtedly a stuffy stick. Two days later, he announced the suspension of the update of social platforms. "It is necessary to focus on scientific research."

It can be seen that He Jiankui is still holding a strong utilitarianism for scientific research. He is anxious to use new scientific research results to regain his former halo, and try to use "science" as a shame powder with moral defects.

He said in an interview with the media not long ago that he learned a lot in the past four years and changed a lot, but he publicly stated more than once that he was not ready to talk about the experience of the past few years.In his opinion, the scientific research ethics issues caused by him have not yet been resolved, but it will not affect his pace of the new genetic research.

But the seminar was approved and the application of "Gao Cai Tong" was blocked. If He Jiankui could not openly review the ethical issues involved in "gene editing babies", he would hardly be difficult to accept by the academic community again.If he wants to come back, he must first accept this underlying logic.