

Fangsheng said

When the issue of relations between China and the United States, China, Europe, and China and Russia occupy the global media layout, Qin Gang, a Chinese foreign minister who has been newly launched, has officially opened foreign affairs activities around Southeast Asian countries.

Qin Gang has successively spoke with Malaysian Foreign Minister Zanbili, and Indonesian Foreign Minister Reitino since January this year; home diplomacy has been launched in the past two weeks, and he has met with Cambodia Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in Beijing.Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Dun, as well as Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian; from February 21 to 23, he visited Indonesia to meet with Indonesian President Zoko, Reitino, and Asian Secretary -General Gao Jinhong.

Compared with the interaction between China and the West, international media's attention to Qin Gang's related foreign affairs activities in Southeast Asia is significantly lower;Against the background of the situation without seeing the improvement, Qin Gang's strategic significance of this trip to Southeast Asia cannot be ignored.

Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Committee, was still the Chinese Foreign Minister in October last year, indicating that China put Aianan in priority.Qin Gang visited Africa at the beginning of the year in January this year in January this year. After taking office, his second foreign visit was dedicated to Indonesia, the chairman of the Asian Dan Dan.Such a schedule highlights China's attention to Southeast Asia, and it also reflects China's continuity of Southeast Asian foreign policy.

The importance of Southeast Asia to China's economy and geopolitics has continued to improve in the past three years.In 2020, Asianan replaced the European Union as China's largest trading partner; during the epidemic, the growth rate of bilateral trade in China and Asiansan also continued to enlarge with the third third EU and the United States.

In 2022, the total value of bilateral trade between China and Asianan reached 6.52 trillion yuan (S $ 1.26 trillion), an increase of 15%, accounting for 15.5%of China's foreign trade.In comparison, bilateral trade between China and the European Union and the United States increased by only 5.6%and 3.7%, respectively.

China has focused on regaining the economy after comprehensively relaxing the epidemic prevention policy this year. At the Central Economic Work Conference in December last year, China has indicated that China has to attract and use foreign capital greater efforts to attract and use foreign capital.At present, the relationship between China and the European Union and the United States is cold, and the uncertain factors of economic and trade exchanges have continued to increase. As a more stable trading partner, Asia's Danian will be expected to play a more important role in the economic recovery of China's epidemic.For China, this means that its relationship with Southeast Asian countries cannot be allowed to cause any changes and losses.

After the Bayeng government in the United States took office, it actively strengthened diplomatic relations with India -Pacific countries and strengthened military deployment in regional.Faced with the geopolitical competition that the United States continued to intensify in this region, Qin Gang issued a clear signal to the Asianan country in this Indonesian trip- "China has firmly supported the maintenance of the ASEAN (that is, the Asian Gyeongan) center, and supports ASEAN to adhere to strategic autonomy and openness.Tolerant, do not choose the side team, do not target the third party, are willing to work with ASEAN to deal with the challenges, and to resist the 'desulting and broken chain' '' to set up a wall to build a wall. "

Some analysts believe that this statement highlights China's vigilance in the United States' continued increase in influence in Southeast Asia, as well as concerns about being blocked by the region.

The Ayanian State has always adhered to the position of neutrality between China and the United States; but the ripples of the tension between the Taiwan Strait and the Russian and Ukraine in this region have gradually appeared, which has added potential not to the relationship between China and Southeast Asia.Determine.

After the tension of the Taiwan Strait in August last year, the Philippines one of the sovereignty of the South China Sea has raised the alert.The Philippines has reached an agreement with the United States since February, allowing the United States to add the right to use four military bases in the Philippines, and discuss with Australia to launch a joint patrol in the South China Sea;The troops mutual visit agreement is open.

Russia and Ukraine have been burned, and many of the Asianan countries have also strengthened their positions on the issue of Russia and Ukraine.In the early days of the war, Cambodia, who did not want to be forced to be selected by the side station, was voted for a resolution condemned Russia at the UN General Assembly in March last year; Indonesia also invited Ukraine President Zelezi in November last year at the Group 20Speed up.

China is not a country of Russia and Ukraine, but as a small country that is still closely related to Russia, China's position has attracted the attention of Southeast Asian countries in Russia and Ukraine.

Southeast Asian situation report published in February: 2023 shows that 27.1%of the respondents who are expected to be promoted by China and Southeast Asian countries believe that China supports Russia in Russia in the Russia and Ukraine War,It may destroy their positive impression of China.

China and Southeast Asian countries are currently striving to promote the economic recovery after the epidemic; even in the context of the unstable global geopolitical situation, economic cooperation between China and Southeast Asia will continue to develop stable in the next few years, and it is even likely that it is likely to changeClose acceleration.However, the relationship between China and Southeast Asia also faces a new complex situation in opportunities; how to enhance Southeast Asian countries' trust in China and eliminates potential geopolitical uneasy factors will become a crucial task of Qin Gang in Southeast Asian diplomatic work.Essence