Chinese tea brand "Aunt Shanghai" was questionedCup outer packaging cheongsam women's split is too high and the pattern is indecent.The Shanghai Jinshan District Market Supervision Bureau responded to the media that the pattern was judged by comprehensive research and judgment does not violate public order and customs, nor did it constitute an illegal advertisement that "hinders social public order or violates good social fashion" referred to in the advertising law.

Comprehensive fast technology, polar news, and China Net Finance reports, some netizens posted that women wearing "splits to thigh roots" cheongsam on the outer packaging of the "Shanghai Auntie" cup, and stacked in the cheongsam behind the cheongsam stacking on the back of the cheongsam on the cheongsamThe thighs on the chair were exposed, thinking that the pattern was indecent, and said "I don't understand why the designer seals a female pattern sitting up with a cheongsam on the milk tea package."Broadly discussed that the topic of "Shanghai Auntie Packaging Cheongsam Map was questioned indecently" once rushed to the Weibo Search List.Many netizens are tolerant about the product patterns involved, and believe that "cheongsam is originally like this" and "no indecent, and those who complain are unbearable."However, some netizens believe that the core of the problem is not the problem of "elegant", but the problem of the sedentary posture of cheongsam women in the pattern, questioning, "Why should the cheongsam hem set off on a stool?"

It is reported that the cups printed with the above controversial patterns are currently only used in some "Shanghai Auntie" stores and have not yet been opened in stores across the country.As for the relevant dispute images, the customer service of "Shanghai Auntie" said in response to the media that "it has been synchronized with the relevant design departments, and it will strengthen listening to consumer voices in the future."

The staff of the Jinshan Market Supervision Bureau said that after the investigation, the initial determination of the pattern is part of the tea cup packaging. As a overall design style of the product, it is a pattern attached to the product itself. It is usually regarded as a product.The component of itself plays a role in beautifying, and the pattern has no direct connection with the milk tea product itself, so the picture is not identified as an advertisement.

There are indecent situations for the design of women in the picture in the picture, because it is not identified as an advertisement, and the comprehensive research and judgment of the pattern do not violate the public order and customs, so it does not constitute the Capital Law of the People's Republic of China.The regulations refer to illegal advertisements that "hinder public order or violate the goodness of society" and "content containing obscene, pornography, gambling, superstition, horror, and violence".

Public information shows that the Shanghai Auntie brand was established in 2013 and belongs to Shanghai Zhenjing Industrial Co., Ltd..In May 2021, it was fully upgraded to a new fresh fruit tea strategy.According to the official website of Shanghai Auntie Auntie, the company has expanded a large scale by "direct -operating+franchise". As of October 2022, more than 5,000 stores have been opened in more than 200 cities across the country.