A 2 -year -old girl in New Taipei City, "Enn", died after the delay of the ambulance was delayed after the infection of last year, which caused great attention from public opinion.After the investigation was completed, the New Taipei City Procuratorate decided not to sue Hou Youyi, the mayor of New Taipei, Huang Deqing, the director of fire fighting, and Chen Runqiu, director of health.

According to Taiwan reports, New Taipei City Prosecutors completed the Eun incident survey on Friday (February 24), saying that Eun was sent to the medical treatment process.Officials, Hou Youyi and other officials have not been involved; the standard operation procedures, suspected or diagnosed patient treatment flow diagram of various cases of the command center, and the diagnosis of the patient's treatment flow diagram.Huang Deqing, then the time of fire director Huang Deqing, was promptly participated in the planning or design in advance.

Prosecutors believe that the formulation of relevant policies or administrative laws in this case and the planning of the process of medical treatment, the configuration of related manpower or material resources, even if it is not comprehensive or comprehensive, is a issue of administrative or political responsibility.Essence

The prosecutor also mentioned that if this case can be sent to the hospital early or the personnel of Zhonghe Health Center have answers, can they avoid the result of Enn death and lack of evidence.There is a causal relationship between the design or the delay and death of the medical treatment, and it is difficult to determine that Hou Youyi, Huang Deqing and Chen Runqiu should be responsible for death.

Eun's father also accused Li Yusong, Huang Deqing, and Chen Runqiu's abolition of the duties of disaster; the prosecutor believed that the so -called "disaster" refers to the disaster.If only a few people suffer damage, they cannot be called disaster.The charges of this case are not in line with the constituent elements, and they are not prosecuted.

In April last year, the 2 -year -old child in Zhonghe District, New Taipei City died of crown disease.Eun's father accused that the relevant units in New Taipei City coordinated and missed it, which led to the delay of the ambulance for 81 minutes to take the medical treatment, causing her daughter to fail to get emergency medical rescue in real time.

Eun's father emphasized on Facebook on Friday that he has not filed a criminal lawsuit. At present, the main battlefield is still placed in a civil compensation case. The case is still in the trial. In addition, Eun's father also saidIn all the cases of yesterday, it was said that the whistle was sentenced to one year of probation and a fine of 200,000 yuan (NT $ 8,800).As a result, to be honest, it is disappointing. "