Many social accounts of Chu Yin, a Chinese economist and deputy dean of the digital economy think tank, have been banned.

According to the science and technology media "whip beef" report, the today's headline number of 3,05 million fans, the Weibo account of 1.728 million fans, and the watermelon video account of 8.61 million fans were banned.

Related pages show that "due to violation of relevant rules (laws and regulations), the user has been banned."

Public information shows that the 46 -year -old Chu Yin is Renmin University of ChinaDr., former professor of public management at the School of International Relations, later resigned from the media and became an "Internet celebrity" economist.

Chu Yin has previously published young people who should not fight for deposits, adults have the right to make a waste, Dong Yuhui is just a reader's absence of water, it is recommended that women 30 years old return to their hometown, adults have the right to make a waste, etc.Speaking.Some netizens have criticized their remarks: seemingly speaking for young people, but in fact, it is anxiety, creating gender opposition.