On the first anniversary of the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a Chinese position on political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis on Friday (February 24), which includes respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries, the ceasefire and stop war, the start of peace talks, opposition, oppositionUse or threatened nuclear weapons and so on.

Analysts pointed out that the core document consisting of 12 suggestions is still persuasion and talk, which is also China's consistent attitude towards the Russian and Ukraine War.However, the current contradiction between Russia and Ukraine on territorial sovereignty cannot be resolved, and no signs of the Russian and Ukraine War cannot be seen, and persuasion and talks cannot be implemented.

According to the United States CNN (CNN), the US national security adviser Sha Liwen quickly criticized the Chinese position document, saying that the Russian and Ukraine War "will end tomorrow, as long as Russia stops attacking Ukraine and withdraw the army."

According to Reuters, NATO Secretary -General Stoltenberg responded to the Chinese position document on Friday that China does not have much credit as a conflict medium because it has not condemned Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Jorge Toledo, head of the EU delegation, told the media in Beijing on Friday that the position document released by China is not a peaceful plan, but the European Union will study this document.

"If the position document has positive significance to Ukraine, it will be positive for the European Union."

The Ukrainian Times of China Office, Zhanna Leshchynska, said on the same occasion that China ’s position document is a“ signs ”, hoping that China will perform more active in supporting Ukraine.

"We hope they (China) also urges Russia to stop the war and withdraw from the army."

Bloomberg reports that 12 suggestions in China are difficult to get a response from supporters supporters of the Kiev.China suggested to avoid the issue of Russia's occupation of Eastern Ukraine. However, Zellazki's Kenfu regime has stated that it will continue to fight until Russia leaves the Ukrainian border, and Moscow has not yet stopped showing the attack.

Chinese documents point out that recognized international law, including the purpose and principles of the UN Charter, should strictly abide by, and sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of various countries should be effectively guaranteed.International law should be applied equally and uniformly, and double standards should be adopted.

The document recommends that all parties maintain rational and restraint, avoid further deterioration or even out of control in the Ukraine crisis, support Russia and Ukraine, and resume direct dialogue as soon as possible, gradually promote the relief of the situation, and finally reach comprehensive ceasefire.

calls on both parties to strictly adhere to international humanitarian law to protect women and children against nuclear martial arts inability

Documents call for conflicts to strictly abide by international humanitarian law and avoid attacking civilians and civilian facilities. They should protect the victims of conflict between women and children and respect the basic rights of prisoners of war;

Documents also emphasize that there are peace nuclear facilities such as armed attack nuclear power plants; opposition to the use of or threatening the use of nuclear weapons; opposing any country to develop and use biochemical weapons under any circumstances.

The analysis of scholars in Beijing, the position document of the Chinese side released the persuasion and talks, also hopes to continue to maintain a balance between Russia and Ukraine.China has always emphasized that it is not a party of Russia and Ukraine. He hopes that the two sides will fight, and at the same time maintain a comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership with Russia to hedge the pressure of the United States.Western countries such as the United States have recently warned that China may provide military assistance to Russia and try to push China to the opposite of European countries. Of course, China is reluctant to see this situation and will not choose the side station in Russia and Ukraine.