(Washington Composite Electric) The Federal Court of Connecticut in the United States ruled on Friday (July 21) that the international famous Chinese criminal investigation evidence expert Li Changyu In the murder in 1985, two young people were sentenced to prison, and he might have to make millions of dollars compensation.

In December 1985, a 65 -year -old retired truck driver Karl, Kangzhou, was discovered by Chen's residence. He was 27 knives in his body and his head was severely damaged.Two young people, 17 -year -old Ralph Birch and 18 -year -old Shawn Henning were listed as suspects.The two acknowledged theft of theft, but insisted on not killing.

The court was based on the testimony made by Li Changyu on the blood stains found on the towels in the home of the deceased. The two young people were guilty and sentenced to 50 years and 55 years in prison.

Li Changyu said in the year that the towel found in the bathroom that it was not far from the scene of the murder. The murderer may touch the towel when cleaning up the scene after the crime, and the stains found on the towel are consistent with the blood.

Judge: No evidence shows that Li Changyu has conducted blood testing

However, the Kangzhou Federal Judge Boden pointed out in a 84 -page ruling on Friday that there was no evidence that Li Changyu conducted blood testing at the time, and the records in the record showed that the actual test did not show the towel on the towels.There is blood.

U.S. media reports, the court's ruling means that Li Changyu may have to pay millions of dollars for this.

Li Changyu has not responded to the US media's comment request.

Boqi and Heng Ning appealed after the murder trial, and the stain on showing shows that the stains on the towel were not blood.After the two men were charged in 2020, Li Changyu argued that more than 8,000 cases surveyed in 57 years of career survey, never accused him of any improper behavior or intentionally perjured. "This is what I must defend for myself.The first case.

84 -year -old Li Changyu is an honorary professor at the University of New Haven.When the murder case happened, Li Changyu had not yet made a famous hall.He was famous for his defense witness witnesses in 1995 because of O.J. Simpson.