The Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Keqiang went to the Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance on Thursday (February 23) to conduct a symposium saying that the current economic growth of China is stabilizing and recovering, but economic operations still face many risk challenges.We must continue to overcome difficulties, continue to work hard, consolidate economic growth and stabilize the rise, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society.

According to the Xinhua News Agency report on Friday, Li Keqiang emphasized that it is necessary to guide the deployment of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, promote reform and opening up, and implement the policy of stabilizing the economy and the stability of the economy.Continuous measures, focus on stabilizing growth and employment and stability, consolidate the current stable economic growth and rise, and promote high -quality development.

Li Keqiang said that the Development and Reform Commission is responsible for development and reform. Development is the first priority. Reform is the fundamental motivation. It is necessary to continue to be a strong family and a tiers in reform.Last year, in order to cope with the impact of super -expected factors such as the epidemic, the government decisively launched a policy and continuous measures for the stability of the economy, and the development of the reform system to actively propose countermeasures and implement it, and play an important role in stabilizing the economic market.Promoting the construction of major projects and the acceleration of equipment renewal and transformation to form a physical workload, which not only promotes expansion of investment to increase consumption and employment, and promotes economic growth at the end of last year and early this year, but also helps to make up for the shortcomings of the shortcomings.The coordination mechanism has played a key role in this work.

He said during the investigation of the Ministry of Finance that finance was the mother of politics, and the Ministry of Finance was a "money bag" for the people to defend the country. We must continue to make a "abacus" of the financial ledger.Last year, the implementation of large -scale tax refunds, tax reduction, cost reduction, tax slowing and slowing fees, helping enterprises, especially small and medium -sized enterprises, and individual industrial and commercial households, which strongly supported the stability of employment and guaranteeing people's livelihood.The fiscal system has paid close attention to this major macro policy, and has played a special role; it has implemented the government's tight life requirements and strengthened the guarantee of basic people's livelihood.

Li Keqiang said that in recent years, under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Xi Jinping as the core, the country has jointly responded to the severe challenges that followed, and China's development has achieved major new achievements.Facing the downward pressure of the economy and innovating macro -control, it does not mainly rely on expanding investment to drive economic growth.Development, this is also the water raising fish, cultivating the source of taxation.In the process, there is no continuous large -scale increase in deficits and no super currency, creating macro conditions for stabilizing prices.The price increases have remained low in these years, and it seems easy but difficult.

At the same time, continue to deepen simplifying administration and decentralization, combining management, optimizing service reform, promoting mass entrepreneurship and innovation, cultivating new kinetic energy, and stimulating market vitality and social creativity.As an important comprehensive economic department, the development reform and financial departments have implemented the stability of macro policies, actively promoting reforms and innovation, and the masses are concerned about solving urgency and distressing problems. Everyone has paid wisdom and hard work.The two nationwide conferences are about to be held. We must draft the national economic and social development plan reports and financial budget reports with government work reports. The truth -seeking is to summarize the work, scientifically arrange key tasks, and accept people's supervision in accordance with the law.At present, China's economic growth is rising steadily. Consumption from January to February has accelerated recovery and market expectations have improved significantly, but economic operations still face many risks and challenges.We must continue to overcome difficulties, continue to work hard, consolidate economic growth and stabilize the rise, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society.