Taiwan Defense Minister Qiu Guozheng's former editor -in -chief of the Global Times of the mainland said that once the Taiwan Strait War was launched, the mainland would decide on an hourly speed and speed.Take Taiwan within the week.

The Taiwan National Defense Minister Qiu Guozheng pointed out on Friday (February 24) that mainland China wants to win Taiwan quickly, "They expected too much!" He emphasized that the enemy must pass through the strait quickly to pass the Strait.Heaven, "We will be accompanied to the end."

Qiu Guozheng was interviewed before attending the General Assembly of the Legislative Yuan on Friday. For the former editor -in -chief of the mainland Global Times Hu Xi, Hui Xi entered Wednesday (February 22) that once the Taiwan Strait War started, the mainland will make a speedy speed of speed and speed.Essence

Hu Xi entered Wednesday and posted on Weibo: "If the hope of peace and unity is completely lost, the" Taiwan independence "forces are mad, and we are forced to launch the war of liberation of the Taiwan war."

Hu Xijin believes that mainland China must do its best to shorten the war time. For a short hour, the overall cost of this war will be one less.

Qiu Guozheng said on Friday that the mainland seems to think that it can win Taiwan in the short term, "they expected too much", because soldiers usually have the work of combat reserve.estimate.The Russian and Ukraine War gave the mainland a great revelation, and it will definitely ask for it; but even faster, Taiwan's space is so large, and it must overcome the risks of the Strait.

Taiwan will never provoke war, but the gun will be accompanied to the end

Qiu Guozheng does not think that the mainland can win Taiwan within a week or two. "If the gun sounds, we will accompany it to the end!" He also emphasized that Taiwan will never provoke war.

World Magazine published an exclusive interview with Qiu Guozheng on February 21.Qiu Guozheng, who was 40 years of the army, said that he opposed the war, but if the mainland repeatedly entered, the position of the soldier was to defend the country.

He does not deny that compared with the combat power of Taiwan and the mainland, the enemy is big and young, and the enemy is strong.Essence

Chen Jianren, the president of Taiwan ’s Chief Executive, also stated in the first time that the Legislative Yuan will be held in the Legislative Yuan for the first time that cross -strait and national defense policy will be committed to maintaining the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.However, Chen Jianren also emphasized that preparation of war can avoid war and can stop war.

The "four persistence" proposed by Tsai Ing -wen is "the constitutional system that always adheres to free and democracy, adheres to the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China that does not belong to each other, adheres to the sovereignty and does not invade and swallow, and adheres to the future of the Republic of China.The will of the people of Taiwan. "

The U.S. military exchanges will be upgraded to Qiu Guozheng: Only understanding can it be explained

According to Taiwan media reports, the level of Taiwan -US military exchanges will be further improved. Compared with the training of levels and units in the United States in the past, it will send camp -level units to the United States in the second half of this year.

Qiu Guozheng was asked by the media that the matter did not deny the matter on Friday. He also said that in the past, he went to the United States to fight the level. When he arrived at the camp, he was the basic unit of tactics.If the level is improved, the scope of training will be relatively wide, including staff operations, planning and troops use, and so on.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States reported that the US Department of Defense predicts that the number of U.S. forces to assist the training of the Taiwan troops will be increased from about 30 to 200 in the next few months.

Qiu Guozheng said that he must understand thoroughly to explain.He said that there are many exchanges in Taiwan and the United States, which is not limited to a single aspect, such as obtaining weapons and how to use the United States to use.