Hu Chunhua, Vice Premier of the State Council of China, said in Tehran President Laich in Tehran that China's determination to develop comprehensive strategic partnership with Iran's development of IranIt will shake and firmly support Iran's opposition to external interference and safeguard national sovereignty.NotXinhua News Agency reported that Hu Chunhua said at the meeting on Tuesday (December 13) that Chinese President Xi Jinping talked to and met in July and September this year to reach an important consensus on deepening China -Iran relations.The determination of China to treat China -Iranian relations from a strategic highly view of China -Iranian relations will not be shaken from the strategic partnership with Iran. It will firmly support Iraqi to oppose external interference and safeguard national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity.NotIt is emphasized that China is willing to work with Iran to earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the heads of state of the two countries, work together to promote the implementation of the China -Iranian comprehensive cooperation plan, and promote new progress in the two states of pragmatic cooperation.NotChina ’s press release, Lechi said that Iran -China relations have important strategic significance. No matter how the international and regional situation changes, Iran will be firmly committed to deepening the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.NotIt is also emphasized that Iran has always been a trusted partner in China. It is willing to support each other with China in involving each other's core interests and major concerns, and continuously promote all -round cooperation.NotHu Chunhua also held talks with the first President of Iran, Muhbel, to implement the comprehensive cooperation plan of the China -Iranian and Iranian cooperation and promote the in -depth exchanges of bilateral pragmatic cooperation.NotOn September 16 this year, he met with Lichi during the Council of the Head of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Samarham, Uzbekistan.Xi Jinping said at the time that the consolidation and development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between Iran and Iran was the common strategic choice of China and Iran.