The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the American intelligence that China might provide weapons to Russia is to catch the wind.

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Thursday (February 23) that American intelligence is a stigmatization of China, and believes that the United States as the largest weapon provider of the Ukrainian battlefieldContinuously discrediting China may provide weapons to Russia, which will not only interfere with the process of preventing politics from solving the Ukrainian crisis, but also further damage Sino -US relations.

Wang Wenbin said: "We urge the United States to stop discrediting, shaking pots, arch fire, and handing knives, and work with China and the international community to jointly promote diplomatic negotiations to resolve the crisis."

He alsoIt is emphasized that China has always stood firmly on the side of the dialogue, standing on the side of peace, and persuading and talking in its own way, which has played a responsible and constructive role for alleviating the situation to resolve the crisis.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States quoted US officials on Wednesday (22) that the US government is considering publishing information and believes that this intelligence can show whether China is considering whether to provide weapons to Russia in Russia.

The US official also reminds China on Wednesday not to provide weapons and other fatal aid to Russia during the Russian and Ukraine War.