The giant panda "Yongming" and its twin daughters have returned to China.

According to China News Service, Chengdu Customs News, at 23:10 on Wednesday (February 22), the giant panda "Yongming" and his twin daughter set off from Kansai Airport in Osaka, Japan successfully went smoothlyArrive in Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport.

The three giant pandas returned to China to adopt closed -loop management throughout the process. Next, they will be sent to the Chengdu Grand Panda Breeding Research Base to stay in the isolation quarantine area for a month.

Big panda "Yongming" was born in Beijing Zoo in 1992. In 1994, he went to Japan for the research of Sino -Japanese cooperation breeding."Yongming" is the father of 16 giant pandas.The giant panda twin sisters "Sakura" and "Tao Bang" were born in 2014.