Wang Yi, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Wednesday (February 22), emphasized to Russian President Putin that Sino -Russian relations are as stable as Taishan and will not be affected by third -party pressure.Putin said that China -Russia cooperation is very important for the stable international situation, and he also looks forward to China's official visit.The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs subsequently confirmed that Chinese officials will visit Moscow in spring.

The Russian and Ukraine War will be on Friday, and China has recently been frequently accused of military assistance to Russia by Europe and the United States.In this context, Wang Yi went to the Klinsin Palace to meet Putin at the afternoon of the 22nd on the 22nd of Moscow.

Comprehensive Tas Society video live broadcast and Reuters reported that when the talks of Putin, Wang Yi asked Wang Yi to convey to the Chinese official. He also called Chinese officials as "my friend".

He went on to say that Russian -China relations are developing forward in accordance with the plan of previous years, and are reaching a new milestone.Putin also emphasized that after the collapse of international relations in the world, it became more sharp. Therefore, the cooperation of Russia and China on the international stage is very important for the stability of the international situation.

Putin also mentioned that the target of the trade amount of US $ 200 billion (S $ 267.5 billion) in 2024 was scheduled to achieve in advance.

Wang Yi said that the current international situation is really grim and complex. Sino -Russian relations have undergone the test of international storms, mature and tough, and stabilize like Taishan.He also said that China -Russia's comprehensive strategic partnership relationship is never targeted at third parties, nor is it disturbed and provocated by third parties, and will not be overwhelmed by third parties and pressure.

Wang Yi emphasized that China is willing to be with Russia to maintain strategic determination, deepen political mutual trust, strengthen strategic collaboration, and expand comprehensive pragmatic cooperation.Essence

According to the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, the two sides also exchanged in -depth opinions on the Ukrainian issue.Wang Yi said that Russia reiterated to resolve the problem through dialogue negotiations.China will, as always, adhere to an objective and fair position and play a constructive role in solving crises in politics.

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When the Kremlin spokesman Peskov announced the news of Putin earlier that day, Putin specifically mentioned that Moscow attaches importance to Beijing's strategic "No Limits" partnership.

When Putin visited Beijing and Chinese official talks in early February last year, the two parties signed a joint statement saying that "there is no end to the friendship between the two countries, there is no restricted area in cooperation.Influence".This caused concerns in the West.On February 24 of the same year, Putin ordered the Russian army to attack Ukraine, and the Russian and Ukraine War officially broke out.

After nearly a year, Wang Yi set off on February 14 to visit France, Italy, Hungary, and was invited to go to Germany to attend the 59th Munich Safety Conference.He then arrived in Moscow on the afternoon of the 21st local time on the afternoon of the 21st, and first met with the Secretary of the Russian Federal Security Conference Patrusev; on the morning of the 22nd, he held talks with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov.

Russian media reported that when Wang Yi met with Lavrov, he proposed that he looked forward to reaching a "new agreement".However, Wang Yi did not explain the content of the relevant agreement.

Putin: I look forward to the additional power of China -Russia -Russia -Russia relations

In addition, after Wang Yi arrived in Russia, the Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter on Tuesday that Chinese officials were preparing to visit Moscow for several months.

According to the Russian satellite news agency, when I met with Wang Yi on Wednesday, Putin proposed that he was looking forward to the official Chinese interview, and the two sides had reached an agreement on this.

Putin said that he understands that China has a domestic political agenda, but it is believed that with the resolution of the relevant agenda, the two parties will reach the arrangement of China's official visit to Russia through the form of a private meeting.Putin also emphasized that this will provide additional motivation for the development of China -Russia relations.