Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau emphasized that foreign intervention in Canada is a very serious problem, and Canada must be vigilant against China may interfere with the Canadian elections.

According to Reuters, Trudeau told reporters on Wednesday (February 22) that China and Russia and other countries systematically intervene in elections.

Trudeau said: "Everyone should worry about China, Russia and other countries constantly trying to spread error information and false information and try to interfere with our elections, but so far they have not been able to succeed."

Canada's main opposition party leader Pierre Poilievre accused Trudeau of ignoring China's intervention last week and benefited from it.

The Globe and Mail has previously quoted the confidential documents of the Canadian Security Intelligence Agency that China has developed a strategy to affect the 2021 Canadian election.

Canada announced earlier early on Wednesday that China tried to launch air and maritime surveillance activities, but was frustrated by the Canadian military.