Beijing issued a notice stipulating that it is banned from flying low and small aircraft from March 1 to 14 to maintain air safety in the capital area during the two sessions of China.

According to the Beijing Daily client report, in order to maintain air safety in Beijing during the two sessions of China and eliminate various types of illegal flights, the Beijing Public Security Bureau released the Beijing Public Security Bureau on Wednesday (February 22)A notice on strengthening the management of low and small aircraft in Beijing during the 2023 National Session of the National Two Sessions, stipulating that from 0:00 on March 1 to March 14th, in the administrative area of BeijingLow and small aircraft such as drones and crossing machines perform various types of unprecedented flight activities and cast balloon activities.

低慢小航空器是指飞行高度低、飞行速度慢、雷达反射面积小的航空器具,主要包括轻型和超轻型飞机(含轻型和超轻型直升机)、滑翔机、三角翼、Power Triangle Wing, Human Balloon (Heat Balloon), Airships, Scroping Umbrella, Power Global Umbrella, UAV, Aviation Model, Unmanned Freenight Balloon, and Falling Balloon.

The announcement states that the launch of low -slow air aircraft flight activities shall apply to the central theater Air Force or civil aviation control department in advance, and can be implemented after approval.Relevant employees and the general public are requested to cooperate with the civil aviation, sports, public security and other departments to register and manage the information involving low and small aircraft personnel and appliances, and strictly abide by various regulations to prevent illegal flights.

For illegal flights, low -slow aircraft or illegal cracking the drone ban system behavior, the public security organs will severely investigate and deal with relevant departments such as the army and civil aviation.For laws and regulations that violate the Regulations on the Regulations on the General Aviation Flight Control, Beijing Civil Airport's net air protection area management shall be punished by relevant departments in accordance with the law; those who violate public security management shall be punished in accordance with the Public Security Management Punishment Law in accordance with the People's Republic of China;For criminal responsibility in accordance with the law.