Director of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Wang Yi in Moscow and RussiaPresident Putin talks, some Chinese media compared the distance between Putin's meeting with Macron last year and this year's meeting with Wang Yi, saying that the differences in the distance show that Sino -Russian relations are unusual.

The WeChat public account "Niu Piano" with the background of the Chinese official media posted on Wednesday (February 22) that this time Putin met with Wang Yi, and the famous "long table" appeared in the news photos.This table is said to have six meters long. It has met with international dignitaries such as French President Macron, German Chancellor, Tonalz, and UN Secretary -General Goodres.

The article stated that when Macron visited Moscow last year, he sat at the long two ends with Putin at the long table, which was far from the distance. When Wang Yi visited Russia this year, the two sides sat at a shorter short for a short time.The two sides look close.

For the reasons arranged by Russia, the analysis of "Niu Boqin" stated that it may be Putin’s personal emotions. Seeing Macron is a mood, and "Comrade Wang Yi" is another moodEssenceWhat is more likely is the feelings between the country. In Russia's diplomatic balance, Chinese guests and French guests are still very different.

The article finally wrote that the same long table has witnessed the changes and struggles of international storms, and also saw different effects and exciting."Seeing this familiar long table, it is estimated that Macron and Tonalz are mixed; after Wang Yi left, the third party could not help but point out again."

Chinese netizens have different views on the article "Niu Boqin".Some netizens wrote a message: "There is no upper limit of China -Russia cooperation, support Russia, and join forces to fight against the United States and Western hegemonism!" Some netizens believe that this is the feeling of Putin's intention to create the Sino -Russian alliance, "dragging China to the water", and worry about European and American countries in the futureIt is also determined that China and Russia are a group.Some netizens believe that the above views are over -interpreted, and the seat distance is different, but it is just because the crown disease epidemic is over, and there is no need to be so far away from the main and guests.

The Russian and Ukraine War will be on Friday, and China has recently been frequently accused of military assistance to Russia by Europe and the United States.In this context, Wang Yi went to the Klinsin Palace to meet Putin at the afternoon of the 22nd on the 22nd of Moscow.Wang Yi emphasized to Putin that Sino -Russian relations are as stable as Taishan and will not be affected by third -party pressure.Putin said that China -Russia cooperation is very important for the stable international situation. He also looks forward to the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping.The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs then confirmed that Xi Jinping will visit Moscow in spring.