The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping recently made instructions on Lei Feng's activities, emphasizing that Lei Feng's spirit will never be outdated. To make Lei Feng become a wind in young people, and let Lei Feng's activities integrate daily life.

According to the Xinhua News Agency on Thursday (February 23), "Inherit the spirit of Lei Feng from generation to generation -commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 60th anniversary of the 60th anniversary of Comrade Lei Feng"It would convey Xi Jinping's instructions.

Xi Jinping said that in the past 60 years, "the spirit of Lei Feng has nourished the soul of a generation of Chinese children", "no matter how the times change, Lei Feng's spirit will never be out of date."

Xi Jinping emphasized that in the new journey, we must deeply grasp the connotation of the era of Lei Feng, better play the role of the Chinese Communist Party members and cadres models, strengthen the guarantee and support of volunteer service, develop the Lei Feng volunteer service team of Zhuang University, let the Lei Feng volunteer service team, let the Lei Feng volunteer service team, let the Lei Feng volunteer service team, let the Lei Feng volunteer service team, let the Lei Feng volunteer service team, let letXue Lei Feng has become a wind in the people, especially young people, so that Xuefeng activities are integrated into daily life, and it is often turned into a more bright light in the new era.strength.

Cai Qi, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Secretary of the Central Secretariat, said at the meeting that we must deeply grasp the connotation and practical requirements of Lei Feng's spirit, guide party members, cadres, and the massesSocialism is huge enthusiastic, more firmly supports the "two establishments", resolutely achieve "two maintenance", consciously integrate personal pursuit into the struggle of the party and the people, and contribute to the modern construction of Chinese -style modernization.

Cai Qi requires that in deepening Lei Feng's spiritual research and interpretation, strengthening ideological and political leadership, and enriching the platform carrier of learning Lei Feng's activities, making Lei Feng activities more attractive, normalized and long -term effectsEssence

According to the WeChat account of the Ministry of National Defense, the Chinese army will also carry out a series of activities to guide the entire army to inherit the red gene and promote the spirit of Lei Feng.

A spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense Tan Kefei on Thursday on Thursday, a reporter said that the relevant military department will carry out a series of activities to deepen the expansion of Lei Feng activities.Among them, the youth representatives of the military and land were organized to the Tomb of Lei Feng in Fushun City, Liaoning Province, a small symposium of Lei Feng in the army before Lei Feng's life, and the organizational troops to carry out mass commemorative activities to preach the advanced typical deeds of Lei Feng around the officers and soldiers.