Officials of the National Health and Health Commission of China said that China's crown disease epidemic has basically ended, but it cannot be said that it is completely over.

According to the actual record of the Chinese website, Liang Wannian, the leader of the China Health and Health Commission's epidemic response work leading group, said at a press conference on Thursday (February 23) that China in the prevention and control of the epidemic,It has achieved major decisive victory and means that China has established a better immune barrier.

He said: "From the perspective of the epidemic itself, it can be said that the epidemic has basically ended, but it cannot be said that it is completely ended. The current infection is in our country.Chang Zhaorui, a researcher at the Defense Office of the China Disease Control and Prevention Department, also said at a press conference that China has just experienced the popularity of the epidemic and the retention of the people in the crowd.Antibodies will provide immune protection in the short term. Experts and judgment analysis believes that the possibility of a new round of popularity in the near future is relatively small.