Anonymous Ukrainian officials said that when China formulated a peace plan in Ukraine, it did not consult Ukraine.

According to the France -Presse News on Wednesday (February 22), the senior official told reporters that any peace scheme should cross the red line determined by the Kiev, that is, respecting the principles of the United Nations Charter of Ukraine's territory.

The official also said, "No Ukrainian territory has to bargain. President (Zerrenki) has clearly said this."Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, shared the main content of the Chinese Peace Plan while attending the Munich Safety Conference earlier.Ukraine also expects to receive the manuscript of peace plan.

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced that when Wang Yi met with Kulba at the time, on the issue of Ukraine, China always stood on the side of peace, standing on the side of the dialogue, and always insisted on persuasion and talk."We do not want to see the long -term and expanding crisis of the Ukrainian crisis. They are willing to work with the international community to avoid further deterioration of the situation and to strive for peace."

Russia announced.At the time, there was no discussion on the peace plan proposed on the Ukrainian issue.