After the first negative growth of the Chinese population in 60 years, the sperm banks led by the provincial and municipal governments have encouraged college students to donate sperm and issue 4,500 yuan to donors (RMB, the same below, about S $ 877) toCash subsidies ranging from 7,000 yuan.

Comprehensive media reports such as daily financial news and upstream news, the Human Sperm Studio of Yunnan Province issued an initiative on Wednesday (February 8th), calling on Kunming to actively participate in the team of sperm donation volunteers.

The initiative mentioned that the volunteer donation began to conduct a full set of free male medical examinations. After the physical examination was passed, the donation was required. The total time of time required eight to 12 times.

Introduction to the total donation can receive a total of 4,500 yuan subsidies.Those who pass a single qualification will issue a 100 yuan road fee, and those who do not qualify will issue a 50 yuan road fee.In addition, donors can conduct a full set of free male medical examinations before donating, including semen analysis, chromosomal testing, full set of genetic and infectious disease screening.The value of a full set of medical examinations is more than 1,000 yuan, all free.

However, the initiative also lists some of the conditions of the donor, including genetic diseases such as 165cm or more, colorless blindness, hepatitis B, infectious diseases, college or above or reading.

After this news came out, it caused heated discussion among netizens.

Except for Yunnan, Shaanxi, Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong and other provinces and cities, human sperm banks have issued similar initiatives, calling on college students to donate ejaculation enthusiastically, and set up cash subsidies ranging from 4500 to 7,000 yuan.

The Chinese population decreased by 850,000 last year, the first negative growth since 1961.As the world's second largest economy ushered in the inflection point of population, analysis was expected earlier that Chinese labor teams will accelerate, and demand for consumption, residential and infrastructure will also decrease.

Yang Wenzhuang, director of the Population Monitoring and Family Development Department of the National Health and Health Commission of China, recently published documents in the population and health journal, calling on China to accelerate the promotion of fertility support and encourage places to be bold and innovative in reducing the cost of fertility education.Essence