"Many young people are really very bad now, now many young people are really bad, now that many young people are really very bad, now that many young people are really bad, now that many young people are really disliked, now that many young people are really disliked, now that many young people are really very bad.Without money, I feel that the parents give too little, or I think that the salary given by the enterprise and the boss is too low. In fact"

This remark, Deng Haiqing, deputy general manager and chief investor of the AVIC Fund on the top of Weibo Search.A large number of Chinese netizens expressed disgusting or even angry with Deng Haiqing's words, thinking that he was a young man in PUA.The full name of PUA is "Pick-up Artist". The original intention refers to "compete artist", which now becomes a network term and describes the spiritual strike.

Deng Haiqing's personal resume is quite excellent and belongs to the proper Chinese social elite.He obtained a doctorate in finance at Fudan University and conducted post -doctoral research at the People's Bank of China.In terms of academics, he served as a guest professor at the top of the top of the people's university in China and a special tutor of Beijing Normal University.There are research on the allocation of large -scale assets such as the stock market and commodities.

In terms of business, Deng Haiqing has worked at the Macro Strategy Group of the Guojin Securities Institute.Director, Wall Street Dean, Chief Economist, and Chief Investment Officer of AVIC Fund.

He is also an analyst on the list of new wealth in 2013 and 2014. He is the chief economist of the first financial institution of the first Finance and Economics in 2016.And have worked in the Shanghai Municipal Government for many years.

Such glorious resumes and achievements can be described as the Three Realms of Political Science and Merchants. Even if ordinary people have harvested, they can be said to have achieved success in the secular sense.But maybe it was immersed in the upper society for too long. When Deng Haiqing made this remark, he did not treat young people as living individuals. Instead, he talked as "human resources" and compared the "cost -effectiveness" of labor.

He said in an interview on the eve of the opening of the Changbai Mountain Summit in 2023 that, for many young people in China, "In fact, this life may work in Thailand or in Vietnam. As long as you want youHalf of the salary can work like you. "

The cold attitude of standing high has stirred up the conflict of netizens: "The same house prices are several buildings in Thailand and Vietnamese villas."Low. "" Why are you better than the United States than Vietnam and Thailand? "www.kzaobao.com/uploads/allimg/230204/00232039a-1.jpg "/>

The price of real estate in China is high. The picture shows Beijing Wangjing SOHO development project.(Agence France -Presse)

A stone stirred thousands of waves, and many of the posts that countered Deng Haiqing also went on a hot search.From the perspective of many messages, the difference between Deng Haiqing and netizens is because netizens do not feel that the ability is the only factor that affects wages.It should not be simply compared with the amount of wages, and when it comes to the "cost -effectiveness of labor", it is completely in the position of enterprises and managers, ignoring the feelings of young people.

Some netizens quoted the concept of statistics: "Related causes and effects." If the relationship between the ability to return to observation and wages with a linear regression, even if the two are interconnected, it does not mean that there is a causal relationship.As such an expert with a deep background, Deng Haiqing deliberately blurred the concept of correlation and cause and effect, and there was a lot of vulnerability in logic.

Others believe that the opportunity for young people at the moment is far less than that of Deng Haiqing when he was young.Undergraduates who graduated from university in the 1980s are facing an era when they are abolished and have a lack of talents. Young people who have been educated have been reused, and the promotion of promotion is not strict.Although material conditions are difficult, it is the best era for personal development.And now many positions, whether they are undergraduate, master, or even doctoral, have to go step by step.Many young people who are not bad in ability, quality and education are facing difficulties in promoting promotion.

If you know the post, you can write that some of the high -ranking people are not their initial ability and comprehensive quality. Instead, they can participate in important jobs when they are in good time.You can go to the position of the small leader for two years to exercise, and often dominate some urgent and dangerous events. Naturally, you have got the opportunity to exercise and improve, and continuously improve and improve.If many college students now have the opportunity to exercise and growth like them, their progress and improvement will be faster and more achieved.

"Many successful people like Mr. Deng Haiqing were difficult in material conditions when they were young, and it seemed that they had come all the way to today's high level, and they could easily have an illusion: All of this depends on me.Efforts and abilities. But no one's success can get rid of the dividends of the times and the environment. "

" If you pull these high -ranking leaders back to their 80 -year -old work, andCompared with college students who graduate now, they will be abused. "

After China's open epidemic policy, young people in Beijing are on the way to work.(Bloomberg)

Why do you cause so many criticisms in just a few words?

Deng Haiqing said in an interview.In fact, the entire interview is one hour long, and the extensive oppositional speeches of young netizens are less than one minute.

A few words can cause the tide -like criticism. The reason may be because under the current huge social pressure, young people in China are deeply dissatisfied with the status quo.In reality, there are not so many young people lying flat, everyone is working hard, but they can't find much opportunities.Deng Haiqing directly hooked his ability and salary, hurting the hearts of many people.

Some comments wrote: "Today, the young people are extremely bitter, this society is always in the top and bottom pride, accusing them of picky young people, blame them lying flat, blame them not to enterBlame them who are unwilling to enter the factory, blame them unwilling to have baby, and blame them to buy a house ... It always exaggerates to talk about the world, and refuses to look down at Cangsheng, very angry. "

Zhilian recruitment today released todayA 2022 college student employment survey report shows that among the fresh graduates who have obtained the OFFER and completed the contract, the average monthly salary is 6507 yuan (RMB, the same below, S $ 1265).Among them, the monthly salary of more than 10,000 yuan accounted for 10.7%, and graduates with monthly salary under 3,000 yuan accounted for 6%.

If the average monthly salary of 6507 yuan is calculated, except for life and lodging and loans, there are little deposits left by young people, let alone the high housing prices of first -tier and second -tier cities, which are pressed in countless people.The mountains on your body.At present, the only generation of children will also need to bear the obligations of the elderly alone in the future.In this case, it is not difficult to understand why Deng Haiqing has become an emotional vent.