Chinese sprinter Su Bingtian Su Bingtian, Beijing time (February 3), welcomed the "opening of the door" in the World Field Room Tour in the Gothenburg Station of Sweden.

According to the China News Agency, Su Bingtian ran 6 seconds and 75 in the men's 60m preliminaries, promoted in the group's first name, and won the championship in 6 seconds 59 in the final.

Su Bingtian ran 9 seconds 83 in the Tokyo Olympics last year. It was the first Asian player to enter the Olympic men's 100m finals and the current Asian record holder.Last year, Su Bingtian ran out of 10 seconds 30 in the men's 100m semi -final in the Men's 100 -meter semi -finals in the Eugene World Track and Field Championship.

After the World Championships, Su Bingtian did not participate in international competitions.After winter training adjustment and preparation, Su Bingtian went to Europe at the end of January this year to start the new season.Su Bingtian's best person in the men's 60 -meter project is 6 seconds 42. He is the national record of the project and the holder of Asian records.

This interior tour is the first time Su Bingtian participated in the official competition in 2023.The men's 60 -meter competition is divided into two parts: preliminaries and finals. There are 21 players in the preliminaries, divided into three groups. Su Bingtian appeared in the third group of the preliminaries. He easily rushed the line with a score of 6 seconds and ranked first.Japanese player Hitaida Rongyang ranked first in the preliminaries with 6 seconds 71.

The finals became the contest of Su Bingtian and Dongtian Wangyang. After the gunfire, Su Bingtian showed a strong starting advantage. In the middle of the speed, Dongtian Wangyang gradually narrowed the distance with Su Bingtian, but Su Bingtian still in the sprint is still still in the junction.Maintaining the leading advantage, the leading line with a score of 6 seconds 59, only 0.01 seconds faster than Dongtian Wanyang, who won the runner -up.

Su Bingtian's interior race is also warm up for this year's Budapest World Championships and Hangzhou Asian Games.After completing this site, Su Bingtian will continue to fight in Europe.