China's regulatory rectification measures and real estate markets have caused private companies to decline for the second year of the total market value of private companies in the total market value of large enterprises.As of the end of 2022, private companies accounted for 5 percentage points to 42.8 % in comparison in the same period last year.

According to Bloomberg, the Pine Sen Institute of International Economic Research Institute has reached the above conclusion by tracking the market value of private enterprises in the top 100 listed companies in China since 2010.

After the Chinese government tightened the real estate credit policy last year, the real estate industry has experienced the longest decline in history. China Evergrande and Country Garden and other large private enterprises have been hit.The stock price of private technology companies is also continuously affected by industry supervision.

The statistics of the Peterson Institute of International Economics show that when the market value of private companies accounted for the highest proportion of 2020, it reached 54%.

Huang Tianlei, a Chinese project coordinator of Peterson International Economic Research Institute, and Nicolas Veron, a senior researcher, wrote in the report that data at the endThe rising private sector brought a heavy but far from fatal.

However, research also found that in the ten years before the outbreak of the epidemic, the proportion of private enterprises in the total market value of Chinese companies has continued to increase.It is still higher than the level of 2010 to 2019.