Xu Jiayin, chairman of the board of directors of Evergrande Group of China Real Estate Merchants, mentioned on Thursday (February 2) that it resumed sales and issued assessment tasks.

According to the Caijia News Agency, Xu Jiayin presided over the Evergrande Group's marketing meeting that day, mentioning that it is necessary to do a good job of project promotion, restore the company's project sales, and issue assessment tasks.

It is reported that Evergrande released real estate promotion advertisements on multiple channels on February 3, involving a total of 458 real estate in real estate, covering houses, shops and parking spaces.

Xu Jiayin promised on New Year's Day this year that in 2023, he must complete the task of paying over and repay various debts.He wrote to all employees on January 1st. When summing up the performance of Evergrande in 2022, he said that 732 Baojiao Building projects in Evergrande Real Estate resumed work, with a total of 301,000 units in the year.Mass production and delivery; Haihua Island received a total of 7.6 million tourists.