Japanese Foreign Minister Lin Fang was announced on Friday (February 3) that Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang has invited him to visit China.

According to the Kyodo News Agency, Lin Fang is saying at a press conference that Japan and China will continue to coordinate the visit of China.If Lin Fang is visiting China, he will be the first Japanese foreign minister to visit China since December 2019.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Kishita told reporters after meeting with Xi Jinping, President of China in Bangkok, Thailand last November that the two sides agreed to coordinate Lin Fang's visit to China.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan said in the press release that Lin Fang was saying in about 50 points of calls that he was willing to cooperate with Qin Gang to achieve the construction of a constructive stable relationship.The foreign ministers of the two countries also agreed to continue to maintain close communication at all levels.

The official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced that Qin Gang called on Japan to pay attention to promise and be cautious on the issue of Taiwan.Forces are provocative, and continue to adhere to the principles of marketing and the spirit of free and open, and carry out economic and trade science and technology cooperation with China.