China Travel Agency's outbound team tour business will be restored on February 6. Travel agencies and online tourism companies can conduct outbound team tourism and "air tickets+hotels" business.Many travel agencies have reportedly announced the time of outbound and group tour.Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries are among the first batch.

According to the Beijing Youth Daily, the relevant person in charge of the Spring and Autumn Tourism said that in the past two days, the company has been deployed around outbound and group tourism."On February 6, the first batch of passengers will take a flight at 10:40 Spring and Autumn Airlines flight 9C8512 to Phuket Island, Thailand."In 2023, the first outbound outbound products were officially launched.Chen Jie, chairman of Caesar Travel, introduced: "The first dozens of different types of outbound tourism products will be launched one after another. In 2023, the first tour group to Europe will start on February 7."

Up to now, Ctrip has launched nearly 700 outbound team tour products, covering 15 destination countries/regions.Among them, Ctrip's self -operated products are nearly 400, covering 9 destinations; including group tours, semi -self -guided tours, private groups, and free travel products.

The earliest departure group of Ctrip was to travel to Bangkok, Thailand in Bangkok on February 7th, Bangkok+Pattaya on the 6th and half a half night on the 6th.The group currently has a total of six guests, gathered in Bangkok from Nanning, Huidong and Hong Kong, China.

"The limited flight resources and the unclear group ticket policy leads to the current selection of overseas and group products departing from China. We are also closely connected with overseas cooperatives during the holidays, and they are closely arranged to purchase procurement resources and formulate products.On the launch plan, reviewing the products on the shelves, there is no rest in the whole holiday. "Zhang Yan, the product director of Ctrip Overseas, introduced," The recovery of the outbound and group tour market requires a process.The number of products and the number of applicants will increase. "

Where to go to the platform, the average payment price of multiple routes in February is 50 % lower than the Spring Festival.As of January 30, Hong Kong-Bangkok's tickets departing in February were 1,200 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 233), Hong Kong-Singapore 800 yuan, Shanghai-Phuket 800 yuan, Hangzhou-Phnom Penh 1020 yuan, Macau-Hanoi-Hanoi1055 yuan, the price is less than one -third of the Spring Festival.

In addition, the price of flying from Hong Kong to Southeast Asia is also more attractive.For example, from the end of January to the beginning of February, the prices are below half of the Southeast Asian regions such as Hong Kong to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Bangkok, and Singapore in Malaysia, Bangkok, and Singapore, Thailand.

Guo Lechun, deputy dean of Qunar Big Data Research Institute, said: "Limited by the issue of navigation, the routes to Europe, the United States, Japan, and South Korea have recovered less.The volume of flights in Southeast Asia will increase in February. As passenger volume decreases during the Spring Festival, the price of air tickets will also decline. On February 6, the outbound team tourism and 'air ticket+hotel' business pilot recovery. There will be more opportunities in 2023 to have more opportunitiesGo out and take a look, play. "

As Chinese tourists returned one after another during the Spring Festival, overseas hotels have also reduced prices.On the whereabouts, the average payment prices of hotels in Singapore, Bangkok, Phuket, Macau and Hong Kong have decreased, and the price reduction is about 10%.

The visa business search volume on the platform to go to the platform has increased by nearly 3 times from December in January.Mai half freely and so on.Shanghai Direct Flight Bangkok's 7 -day round -trip air tickets 3,500 yuan, Shanghai Direct flight Puji Tour 2,287 yuan, and Shanghai Direct Flying Chiang Mai 6 -day round -trip air tickets 2181 yuan.In addition, there are group tour projects such as Bangkok+Pattaya on the 6th day of the 5th night, Thailand's Chiang Mai in -depth experience free travel projects. They are all searching popular products.